1- Kicked Out :)

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Have you ever been outside in the rain, with no gear on? The only thing to protect you from the cold was just a thin sweatshirt. Hell, you weren't even wearing pants, just a pair of shorts that barely reached the halfway point of your thighs.

You didn't have time to pack anything, she didn't let you. Clinging to your phone in your right hand while your other hand was inside your coat, trying to keep you as warm as possible.

You didn't have enough money to call a cab, but you were hoping to find refuge at Elliotts bar. Er, well, more hoping he'd let you stay in one of the rooms for a night. It was such a long walk; she didn't even give you time to grab your wallet.

You couldn't tell your tears from the rain. Your legs ached from the cold; your toes felt like they'd freeze off any second.

Once you made it you took a second, leaning against the door, finally in warmth. What time was it? How long had you been walking for?

Your mom really made you walk through the city in nothing but PJs, didn't she?

Over the slow music and the rambling of the bar, Octavio heard the bell above the door. It was pretty late, so not many people were here, and it didn't surprise him all that much that someone would come so late. But he was surprised by the person who walked through the door. 

You heard someone rush to your side, the metal steps were unmistakable. You didn't have to look up to know Pathfinder had your back always.

"Welcome friend! Are you here for the drinks?" You looked up to the tall robot, still shivering, seeing the face on his screen turn sad as he saw you.

"Oh no, what's wrong?" he extended a handout for you to take, leading you to the room behind the bar.

He quickly turned back to the bar and ordered another shot. Elliott hadn't noticed her walk-in just yet, and while his back was turned pathfinder brought her to the backroom. 

"I'm fine, Pathfinder, thank you, I really appreciate it." His screen smiled. "Can you go get Elliott; I need to talk to him."

"I can go me!" He happily stepped out of the room. You grabbed a towel for yourself, using it to dry your hair and sweatshirt. You really didn't want anyone to see your nipples poking through the fabric at the moment.

"Mr. Witt, Octavio's crush is here," Pathfinder said standing behind the counter. Octavio grumbled at the nickname. Elliott laughed. 

"Even he agrees with me, Tavio," Elliott noted. He shook his head, downing the shot. 

"She's not my crush. That's a term schoolgirls use when they like somebody." He waved his hand in the air, his accent slurring a little.

"Sir," Pathfinder intervened. 

"Just a second, Pathy." Elliott waved him off. "You like her though, don't you? So, therefore, it's the correct use of term." Octavio mimicked the bartender.

"Correct use of term, my ass," he grumbled. Elliott waved him off and turned back to Pathfinder. 

"How can I do you for, Pathy? That's such a weird phrase why did I say that?" His brows furrowed at himself.

"She requests to speak to you." pathfinders screen changed to an exclamation mark. "It's very urgent. She seems distressed."

"Of course, she wants to see me. I knew that." Elliott said matter-o-fact like.

He opened the door, letting it shut behind him.

"Hey, Pathfinder said you stumbled through the door, did you finally take up my per-pe-pa-... offer-" his voice was lighthearted until he saw your state. "Oh, shit, are you alright?" he rushed to sit next to you, still shivering with the towel wrapped around your shoulders.

You nodded, "yea. I'm sorry for coming to the bar so late, I didn't know where else to go." he nodded.

"Hey, it's no problem, what happened?"

"My mom found my tips I'd kept this weekend on my dresser while I was working. When I got home, she blew up on me." his brows furrowed.

"I'm sorry but what the fuck is wrong with your mom? that's your money" he asked genuinely. You looked up at him your face looking like a lost puppy as you felt tears welling up in your eyes. 

"Hey, hey. no, no, no! I'm sorry. don't cry." He scrambled a little, not sure if he should hug you right now. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Your voice wavered as you quickly wiped the tears away. "It's alright. I question that a lot too." As you gained your breath back, a bubble still in your throat, you heard something large fall on the employees' side of the counter, then stumbled Metalic steps heading to the door.

"Ey, compadre, what's the hold-up." Octavio looked at the two of you before noticing your state. "Oh mierda, what's happened?" You would've answered but you didn't have the voice.

"She was kicked out of her house," Elliott answered noticing your hesitation.

He looked at you sympathetically. "You have a place to stay, Chica?" He tilted his head to the right.

"I'm sorry, I would offer a room, but they're all booked out at the moment." You nodded, still trying to wipe away your tears.

"She could stay in my bed. I don't sleep in it most the time." Octavio said, Elliott beamed at the idea.

"Actually, that's a great idea. Do you need a change of clothes?" Elliott looked at you. You nodded, slightly embarrassed.

"Yea, mom didn't let me get anything out of the house." He nodded understanding.

"Alright, Tavio, show her to your room, I'll get a bot to bring you a fresh change of clothes. what size are you?" Octavio offered a hand to you and pulled you to your feet. 

Rushed - Bartender AUWhere stories live. Discover now