5- Rushed :)

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He took his other hand off the steering making you panic a little. He waved to the camera excitedly and threw up a rock and roll hand signal. Your heartbeat quickened and your grip tightened more. He was truly crazy.

"Chica it's alright, loosen up a little." he yelled, his voice laced with laughter as he leaned forwards again, the video still going. In the picture you could only see his helmet and goggles, but his voice sounded so carefree. You could almost imagine the grin on his face as he laughed.

He revved the throttle quickly passing by all the car on the roadway. You saw the speedometer slowly rise from 90 to 100 to well pass 120. All the cars seemed like they were standing still as we raced by them, you heart rate slowly rising along with the speed of the bike.

He stopped the video and put his phone away calming your heart a little. You looked away, putting the cheek of the helmet against his back and closed your eyes, even with his jacket it was still so, so cold.

You felt his hand on yours as you felt the bike slow down. the need to hold his waist lowering a bit 

it wasn't a while till the two of you stopped. it wasn't near anywhere you recognized, or any shops it seemed.

"Taking a break, you've been squeezing the life out of me the entire time hermosa." he chuckled as you realized you were still holding onto him. you quickly let go and he got of the bike, doing a few quick stretches and hopped from foot to foot.

"it's not my fault you're driving like a maniac." you couldn't help the lighthearted tone in your voice, letting him know you were having fun with him.

"You liked it don't lie." you let yourself move forward on the seat; now comfortable straddling wear Octavio had been. 

"I was scared to death." you pointed out. he rolled his eyes

"Pshh, I didn't kill you, and doesn't that adrenaline make you feel any excitement?" he placed his hands on the grips standing in front of the bike. you bring your hands to your stomach, warming them up in the pockets of his jacket.

you stutter, "well, I- I suppose it was a little fun. . ." you quietly admit. 

"See, I told you." you could hear the smile on his face, as with most the time. he went quiet, stretching a little more before looking to the ground and tapping his foot against it. he leaned from one hip to the other, like he was contemplating what to say. eventually he found those words.

"Sorry for scaring you." 

You look up to him surprised before letting out a "oh no, don't be. it's fine. I guess scary is good sometimes." you reassured him. " It was a little fun." he let out a quiet forced laugh. 

Did he ruin your experience with motorcycles? he hadn't been thinking when he was on the bike, so caught up in the fact that you were with him. experiencing it with him. he hadn't stopped to think maybe you weren't feeling the same adrenaline rush he had.

you cut him out of his trance.

"I don't even have my motorists license," you mentioned. He quickly pushed his thoughts away, trying to come up with what to say next, wanting this to go as smooth as possible.

"Neither did I my first time yet here we are." He nervously laughed. Maybe letting you have the wheel for a bit would be better. You could go at your own pace, even if he wanted more. 

he walked over to the bike, before you could scoot back to your seat, he placed his hand on your mid back, straddling behind you. 

the sudden thought occurred to him, what if you were uncomfortable with that? fuck, he was botching everything tonight wasn't he.

"What are you doing?" you quickly asked. before he let the panic set in, he gently grabbed your hands and leaned you forward so they were on the grips.

"You got it, you can drive till we get to the city, then I'll take charge." he leaned completely against your back, you felt your face and chest a hot mess. Both his hands were still overlapping yours.

he didn't want to scoot too close to you, but there wasn't much room to begin with. he'd never road behind somebody. to be fair he never road with somebody else. ok maybe Ajey but that was a long time ago anyway and she still resents him for it.

He showed you how to shift through the gears quickly, telling you not to use the front brake and to hold the clutch in if you had to stop.

Soon, the two of you were off, cruising at about ten over the speed limit. you felt your heart beating out of your chest, both due to Octavio and the bike.

As you got up to speed you shifted into fourth gear, now a little more comfortable, leaning forward just as Octavio had been. he followed suit and you cursed at your thoughts.

"buena chica, más rápido!" he spoke loudly. you blushed but complied with his words. slowly, you watched the speedometer climb just as it did when Octavio had control.

as much as Octavio made you nervous, doing this with him was the most fun you'd had in a while. you couldn't help the smile as you shifted up to fifth with Octavio cheering you on.

He pulled a hand back to reach for his phone again, bringing his other hand up to your shoulder to give the camera another rock and roll hand sign. You smiled brightly revving the throttle a little faster to force him to hold around your waist again.

"Ey, Chica what was that for?!" he laughed as he nestled his head next to yours, the video still going.

"For scaring me earlier!"

Rushed - Bartender AUWhere stories live. Discover now