She felt the hand clutching her shirt relax and Lisa disentangled herself from Jennie's clutches and got up from the couch.


I love you too, Nini

Jennie was reeling. There was no way that had been a coincidence. Lisa must have heard her the other night. Lisa must have known they cuddled all night. Lisa knew she had lied. Lisa knew she had admitted to having slept so good, knowing Jennie knew they had cuddled. Lisa had said that was the best sleep she had ever had since waking up. Lisa had said that even though she knew Jennie had slept right next to her.

Jennie had butterflies in her stomach. She always had butterflies when Lisa was around but they seemed to have sprouted babies because there were a lot more butterflies now than before.

I love you too, Nini

Lisa loved her. Lisa still loved her. Despite everything she had done to break her heart, despite not deserving it, Lisa still loved her. She wanted to drag Lisa back to the couch and kiss her senseless and tell her she has never stopped loving her. That she doesn't deserve her but she wants Lisa anyway. She felt weightless.

Jennie eventually got up once she heard the others coming down the stairs. She needed a bit of a buffer if she was expected not to launch herself into Lisa's arms as soon as she saw her.

"Good morning, mommy!" Ella was on Lisa's lap. They were perched on the counter. It gave Jennie nostalgia every time she saw Lisa on a counter, it made her think of the days when Lisa would jump up there just to watch Jennie cook.

"Good morning angel," she kissed her daughter's cheek, trying to focus because she could smell Lisa from there. She smiled at Lisa before turning around.

"Long night?" Jisoo smirked. "You're usually the first one up."

Jennie ignored the comment. "What's for breakfast hu—Rosie." She had almost slipped again. "Let me help."

They ate breakfast together and talked about their plans for the day. Ella had happily told everyone about the bet she had made with her mama and how Lisa had to take them to dinner that night.

Chaeyoung tried not to smile whereas Jisoo made no attempt to hide her teasing smile. Before Jisoo could tease them anymore Chaeyoung decided to spare them the embarrassment. While her friends needed a little push on occasion, she knew that too much teasing would just make them withdraw from each other.

"My wife here is taking me on a date night tonight."

"I am? I mean yes of course I am." Jisoo finished nervously, she panicked for a second wondering if she had forgotten about it until she met her wife's eyes and realized Rosie had just come up with that on the fly. Jisoo felt relieved. She would still take Rosie out, now that she mentioned it, but she was glad she hadn't forgotten some plan for a date night. She couldn't bear to disappoint her chipmunk.

Lisa had excused herself and told them she needed to get home and shower and grab some more clothes for tonight. She had borrowed some of Rosie's sweats the day before but couldn't very well wear another pair of sweats for dinner. She said her goodbyes and promised to pick them up later in the evening. As she left the house Lisa wondered why she had even said that considering she didn't even have her own car yet.


Ella had opted to wear one of the dresses Lisa had bought her pairing it with a beanie that had a little puff ball at the end and a cute dress length jacket and some tights underneath that her mommy had bought her. Her Chanel necklace was on full display. She somehow made it work. Her mommy wasn't faring so well.

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