My First Kiss and My First Shizz

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Dippers POV

"Ughhh , I think my spinal chord is broken"

I moaned out as I rub my back gently

"Oh MY GOSH! ,  Dipper are you okay?!"

Pacifica ran towards me and checked my face if I have scars or something...

"I'm okay..."

I said as I examined her gorgeous face as well ... she hugged me , tight..

"I really thought you were gone when that agent shot you..."

my heart melted as soon as I heard what she said... I guess we love each other that much... 

"I'm still alive.... I think?"

I giggled which made her giggle too ... As I look at her face , my body sent signals that I should kiss her... , slowly my hand crept its way to Pacifica's beautiful face and brushed her hair behind her ear , just as then a silhouette appeared behind her , I-Is that? 


Stan shouted with joy and quickly ran after his brother , HIS BROTHER?!  my face was so shocked that Pacifica must have noticed...

"Dipper you alright?" 

she asked in a soft tone ,

"Y-yeah I'm alright , but you have to see this!"

I stood up and lend a helping hand to Pacifica which she gladly accepted, are my eyes deceiving me??? holy guacamoly!  they look like each other... except for the clothes... the glasses.... , I stood there watching Stan and his brother do a brotherly moment...

"Dipper ! , your question is now answered!"

Stan announced as he elbowed his brother...

"Meet , Stanley Pines!"

"But I thought you were Stanley?"

I asked while lifting my eyebrow

"What? , no no no .... you see kid , I'm Stanford , He's Stanley... got it?"

"okay... I get it"

"brother , are there a lot of changes in this town?"

Stanley said , his voice deeper than Stan...-ford

"yes indeed , you have to see the mystery shack ! , It changed alot"

"I hope your 'creatures' are true this time , the last time I see it are all hoax , you could have atleast look at my journal... to find these creatures... or atleast make a replica of the weird things you have seen in this town"

"So , should I put Lazy Susan here?" Stan asked with a hint of joke

"you sick bastard!" 

they both laughed as they went upstairs like nothing happened... well , that was weird...

"hey listen Dipper..."

my attention went to Pacifca

"my mom just called... she said that I should go home now..."

she said with sadness present on her tone


"yeah... but hopefully I'll come tommorrow..."

she smiled , and I gave her a smile too

"see you tommorrow I guess"

I said while slowly going to a slow pace

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