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Hey guys.. Im so sorry if I haven't posted anything since these last few days... anyways enjoy!

Dipper's POV

"alright Dipper.... are you really sure-"

Mabel asked one more time

" Mabel... I'm completely sure....."

I answered quite bit of annoyed

We went for 1 solid hour fighting over about me getting laid,
Seriously... took us an hour....

" this has been... uhh... great? , but I think I should go now... my mom said I should go home for lunch..."

Pacifica broke in our conversation
I turned around and gave Pacifica a "please dont go yet!" Look.

"You know my parents" she continued " they hate me staying and eating food from the low classed people"

Mabel gave her an annoyed look , I always thought that Mabels annoyed look looks so funny

"Pacifica, can you atleast tell your parents that they need to stop us calling like that?!"

Mabel protested?.... heh I dont know....

"I-I.... I cant do that..."

She stuttered looking a bit pale

"Why? Why cant you do that?"

Mabel asked

"I-its just.... M-my father ... He ,"

She looked down at her feet and clenched her fist , I remembered the thing we talked about when Pacifica and I where inside the room full paintings of her ancestors cheating and lying...

"I understand"

I jumped in their conversation

"Oh come on! What's the problemo , bro-bro?" Mabel asked while gently punching my shoulder " I'll tell you later Mabel"

Pacifica nodded and went pass us , I tailed her behind ..
As we went closer to the shack door , I went infront and opened the door for her, she gave out a blush and I blushed back...

As she went on ahead , I watched her from head to toe walk away...

"Oh yeah " she turned around and walked towards me , "I forgot to say goodbye"

She tapped her index finger on my shoulder slowly going down on my elbow , I shivered from the movements of her fingers , slowly her hand made its way to my back , forming circles ... making me moan involuntarily... she then went her face closer to mine , her face inches apart from mine... she then smirked and pecked my lips...

She placed something on my pocket and said Goodbye

"Goodbye , see you later or tommorrow Mr. Dippingsauce"

She teased , and went away... hips swaying , I sighed dreamily and closed the door ....


Mabel shouted in shock


I defended

"Oh I know whats going on.... , YOU'RE IN LOVE!!!"

She poked me in different places while chanting "boop beep blop bloop"

I slapped her hand away and went to the kitchen...

"Oh hey kiddo!"

Grunkle Stan exclaimed at me , I gave him a nod and went to the fridge to look for some milk and went to the cupboard for some cereal

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