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Saturday saw Lena heading out to have lunch with James as a friendly date, she wasn't quite sure what to call it since where they were going was being kept as a supprise. Appon opening her front door however caused all her plans to come to a stop when nessled in the wire mesh of her fly screen was another rose. This one was white. Reaching around the screen she gently pulled the rose out. She was slightly baffled by having another rose delivered to her and a white one at that.. If she recalled correctly white roses stood for innocence. Which Lena knew she certanly wasnt. Which caused her to believe that the person who was sending her these really knew nothing about her at all.

Wandering back inside her house and up to her room, Lena placed the white rose in the glass of water on her dresser which also held the pink one from yesterday. She couldn't help but become curious of the meaning of this rose. Pulling her loptop off her desk she quickly googled the meankng of a white rose.

Innocence, Purity, or weddings.

Well Lena could safely say that she wasn't getting married anytime soon unless her mother had some crazy aranged marrage up her sleeve. So that only left two options Innocence and purity,  neither of which Lena could see herself applying too. After all how many people were innocent and pure these days. Hell everyone is corupted by the time they hit five these days little own her.

Lena's phone let out a shrill little buzz letting her know she got a text while snapping her out of her thoughts. Glancing back at rhe device she realised that lunch with James had completely slipped her mind. She sighed sending a short appolagetic text back in reply. Lena once again made her way out the front door.

The remainder of her day went by quite quickly. Lunch was lunch not too fancy but not the most casual thing ither, and the remainder of the day was spent watching movies cuddled up on James's couch. Walking to her front door she noticed an envelope taped directly in the middle of it. Figuring that it was the same person she ripped it off and made her way to her room before opening it.


I know you tried to spot me after yesterday, I know this cause I always watch you, however descretly. I doubt you'll notice since, you havent spotted me so far.

That being said I wish you would spot me, call me out, and drag my crush out for you into the open so I wouldn't have to hide it any longer. I couldn't say no to you if you brought it u to me. You never will though cause I know you dont look at me like that. But this does eat away at me daily so I tell you through these notes and flowers.

As I wright this I wondee if you've looked into the meaning of each rose, I would think that you have, you think I'm a complete idiot for giving you white, something that stands for innocence and purity. Given this isnt you in the slightest, atleast in the strictest scense.

I do believe that you have a purity to you though. While I try to stick masses happy,  dirtying myself with telling little lies so people wont feel as bad or think I mean I'll of them. You however don't sugar coat anything, you say what you think and mean what you say. Compared to me your pa shining white light compared to my grey covered self. I wish I could do that. Be unafraid that people will alienate me for speaking my mind. But I am simply not that strong.

No matter what anyone says dont change that about you. Stay pure to yourself.


Lena was amazed, shocked, stunned, touched? Honestly she wasn to sure at that moment. How could anyone see that in her it was beyond Lena's relen of comprehension. Sh certanly couldn't see heeself as pure in any kind of word.

Glancing at the two roses sitting side by side Lena couldn't help but wonder. Admeration and purity? They certainly wern't things to be associated with her. You could ask anyone and they wouldn't even appear on the top 20 words on how to describe Lena Luthor.

Pushing the thoughts of the roses from her mind, Lena grabbed her notebook an started wrighting down ideas for her project she was vagely putting together. Soon all her thoughts had fled her mind and the pen traveled smoothly over the paper.

It all started with a roseWhere stories live. Discover now