Chapter 15

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I'm backkkkkkk!!!❤ (sorry for the extremely long wait😫)

The Aftermath in Kyrie POV

The very next morning I was surprisingly not as hungover as I thought I would be. But I know someone who is. To be honest i don't wanna even think about that right now. 

I grab my phone from my nightstand and open Twitter. Immediately I see that my name is trending unfortunately.

Fuck it.

Honestly most of the tweets are capitalized letters to I don't know, imitate losing brain cells.

The rest of the tweets were about the Cavs, the birthday, and somehow someone managed to take a blurry picture of me and Steph going into the closet ( not like that). And of course to the ones that have one brain cell means we were doing something. I mean come on people Steph is married for crying out loud. Can we not talk to each other to deal with my mess of a life. I sigh and throw my phone next to me on the bed.

'There's no need to get all worked up over Twitter, I mean it's Twitter.

Forcing myself to get up to the bathroom I hear a buzz from my phone. It's a text from Lebron.

Text Messages
L: Hey Ky, I'll be over in like 45 min
K: okay I'll be waiting :)

Great now I have 45 minutes to have to myself. But I ain't even gonna lie drunk Bron was funny as hell and a little emotional. Shaking my head I make my way to the bathroom and take much needed shower that I stayed in much longer than I really needed to.

By the time I get dressed and out of my room Lebron should be here any minute. I go to the kitchen and take out some fruit. While eating I respond to a few text messages (one of them being Steph asking if I got laid last, which I definitely didn't) and emails to past time.

Soon enough I heard a knock at the door. I open the door to see a sober looking Lebron standing in the hallway. I let him inside and he turns to face me with a smile.

"Did you miss me?" He asked

I roll my eyes playfully while shutting the door.  "You know what I did miss you,  especially drunk you." I countered.

"Don't remind me, it's already embarrassing that I couldn't hold my liquor for some reason last night." Lebron said clearly embarrassed that I saw him like that.

"It was funny enough to let it slide just this once but next time imma put my camera in your face." I ask half joked.

"Damn it's like that huh."

"Yeah it's like that man. I need some leverage on you." I laughed.

"What could you possibly need leverage on me for?" Lebron asked a little confused.

I smiled back. "Oh well nothing really.  It's more of a just in case you I don't know get on my bad side."

Lebron side eyed me really quick. "Yeah lemme not get drunk in front of you ever again.  You may get me to say something that you shouldn't hear." He joked. 

"Oh really now? Well then you better watch ur back." I winked.

Lebron laughed. "Whatever man. "

I walk back to the kitchen to get my fruit. "So what are you doing for the rest of the day?" I ask.

"Not much to be honest. We gotta a game in like 2 or 3 days and practice tomorrow so imma probably just go to the gym and chill." He replied.

"Oh yeah okay. That's cool and everything." I say. And here my dumbass was about to ask him to stay. I mean he literally spent majority of his day with me. I just know he gotta be sick of me. I mean shit I be sick of my own self half the time.

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