chapter 7

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Lebron POV

Kyrie and I both passed out on the team bus and he's now completely knocked out on the plane. I'm glad we got things straightened out between us but I can't help but feel that he meant to say more. But I should be thankful that we are back to normal.

I look beside me to see Kyrie sleeping.

'God how could anyone be that adorable ' I thought.

Only if he were mine I'd defini- no, no, no. I can't think like that. I can't jeopardize our friendship because of my own stupid actions. Its times like these I really hated being an alpha in the media. All eyes are on you. You have to make all the right decisions.  Well what the public thinks is right. Ky has it bad. Along with the other omegas in the league.  It's always a double standard for omegas. But they prove time and time again that they are strong and don't need an alpha to make every decision for them. They can make it themselves.  Kyrie's so independent and I think that's what ticks the media off sometimes. They want to force him to go with an alpha.  And hey I would being that one but he wouldn't be happy. As long as he and me can be friends, that good for me.

I look at the time and realize that I've been staring at Kyrie for the past 7 minutes. 

'Wow I can be a creep. ' I thought

I look at him one last time before finally falling asleep with him.

The next morning still on the plane

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I jumped up feeling my phone notifications going off like crazy. It's like 9 in the morning so I'm wondering why my phone is going crazy. I glance to see if Kyrie is awake. Thankfully he's still asleep, but I see his phone glowing as well. Strange.

I open Twitter because that's the most of the notifications are coming from.
I see that Kyrie and I are trending like crazy and I click on a video that TMZ post late last night.

After watching the video

Fuck,  fuck, fuck FUCK.

How did this happen.  We were completely alone. Shit. This could completely damage everything me and Kyrie have.

I hear Kyrie waking up beside me. Just my luck.

He turned around to look at me.
"Hey Bron how did you-  wait whats wrong?"

Damn he noticed me panicking way to quickly.

"Its nothing, we should get ready the planes gonna land soon."

"No your lying to me. Just tell me what's going on. Now please."

I sigh. " Someons recorded our ... talk last night and now says that we're in a relationship and well yeah that's it."


"Your pregnant. "

"What no I'm not.  What are you talking about??"

"Well that's what the public thinks.
A person from TMZ must have been around the time we were talking and recorded us without us knowing."

"Crap. Crap. Crap. What are gonna do. We're not together and I'm not having a baby. "

Ok that shouldn't have hurt me as much as it did.

"I know we gotta get this under control asap. "

Just then Tristan Thompson came to us .

" Do yall know about the rumor?"

"Unfortunately " Kyrie responded.

Then Iman Shumpert came up to us.

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