As much as me?

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A/N: Hope you guys like this next chapter! Early warning! It might be shorty than usual and if at any point you don't want to read please just stop reading! No reporting me or anything (pretty please with a strawberry on top!) thanks to KittenCatX3, Nicolebello45, ShanaKonoha, marasearles7, nonsense_words, WompasaurusRex, LunaRoseL, and CazRinada3 for voting for Something important to say and thanks to asterdelicacy, Nicolebello45, LunaRoseL, LibraCaelis, KittenCatX3, and WompasaurusRex for commenting on Something important to say R&R!


"Green, I-" Just then the lights went off in the room, effectively cutting off Red who instantly sobered. "I'm scared of the dark!" Memories filled his head of the day a blizzard got bad and he almost died in his cave. Three days later his salvation came through Gold and Silver, who had originally climbed the mountain to, once again, challenge Red only to find him practically frozen to death. Afterwards his new life commenced with Gold and Silver and it would have stayed that way, but he met her.

Thunder shook the apartment and lightening flashed though the windows, temporarily lighting the room and emphasizing the darkness. Red scrambled up and ran to Green's room under the covers. Green stood up slowly and felt his way towards where his best friend had run towards, cursing every once in a while when he bumped into something.

"Red?..." Green tried the light in his room, but to no avail. He sighed and stuck out his hands, walking in the general direction of where he knew his bed to be. His hands pressed against the quivering comforter of his bed and Red yelled from underneath it. Green sighed, sat on the edge of the bed and picked up Red, comforter and all, and placed him on his lap.

"It's okay Red, I'm here man. I've got you." He soothingly rubbed Red's back, trying to calm him down. It took a while before Red finally stopped shaking and calmed down all together, but once the thunder sounded he would jump and snuggle closer into Green.

Normally Green would be happy about this, but knowing Red was truly terrified, he could find no joy. At some point the storm stopped, but the lights never came back on. Red stayed in Green's lap, closing his eyes tight, wishing, begging, for the lights to return.

"H-hey... Green...." Green's heart skipped a beat-or two.

"Yeah Red?"

Red found confidence in the darkness, though he was scared, he knew Green could not see him-his red stained cheeks. "I... I," love, "like y-you...." It was silent for a while, an agonizing hour for Red and a shocking few seconds for Green, before Green finally and gloriously replied.

"Huh?" Red likes me? Likes me how? As a best friend or...? "L-Like how Red?"

It's now or nothing. Red reached his hands out slowly upward, giving Green the time to stop him, fisted the collar of Green's shirt and brought his lips crashing down onto his own. Green was shocked, but found himself kissing the red-eyed boy back. Green's kissing me! I'm kissing Green! It was as though the world collided with the sun, hot fire seemed to be rushing, roaring, through the two boys.

Fingers ran through hair, lightly pulling as teeth nipped lightly and gasps sounded throughout the room. Red's nails lightly scraped against Green's back as he straddled him, grinding himself against a groaning Green. Red's lips moved smoothly across Green's, almost as if they were always meant to be there. Green lightly bit Red's lip and fully took advantage of his gasp, claiming his mouth and exploring his mouth with his tongue greedily, causing the bulge pressing against his stomach to harden.

Whoa, hold up! Red, snap out of it! This is too fast! Red pulled away trying to catch his breath as Green did the same. Red looked up to see Green's eyes glowing in the dark, which no longer scared Red, but rather acted like a safety curtain that hid him from view. Green could see glowing red orbs in front of him, covered in a lustful haze, but then the beautiful sight disappeared as Red looked down, embarrassed.

Green growled lightly and pushed back the bangs that covered his view, causing Red's head to be pulled back up. Green leaned forward and claimed the boy's lips again. Red whimpered lightly, but gave in to the very forceful Green who pulled Red closer to him.

Finally Green allowed Red to breathe, gasp, in some air. Green chuckles lightly and kissed Red's cheek, "I like you too Red." Red's heart both ached and jumped for joy. Would Green never feel as much for him as Red felt for Green? I love you Green...


Please Read~

A/N: So that's where I'm stopping this fanfic guys! It's been a nice ride and all, hope you liked it! Sayanora~


I'm just messin with ya'll!! Of course I'm not done!! No, but seriously. Hope you guys liked this last chapter, sorry it was so short, please forgive me but I wanted to end it there. I will try to update again soon! Please comment and vote! Sayanora~

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