Something important to say?

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A/N: Hope ya'll like this chapter! Thanks to asterdelicacy, SaishiKurenai, WompasaurusRex, 02rlkagamine, marasearles7, eeveemaster, Nicolebello45, LibraCaelis, ShanaKonoha, and CazRinada3 for voting for Who? And thanks to KittenCatX3, Skullyton, cherrycobbler, blueberrycobbler, CazRinada3, Nicolebello45, WompasaurusRex, SaishiKurenai, and nonsense_words for commenting on Who?. R&R


Red's POV

I opened the door only to be pushed back by Blue.

"Red! I figured since Green was gone today, don't lie, I saw him leave, we could have a girl's day!!"

"... For a girl's day, it requires more than one... Oh.... No!" I tried to make a run for it to Green's room, but just before I could close the door she stopped it.

"Come on Red! You need to get used to being Akane for our hangout with Green this Friday!" Wait, what?! This Friday?!

"What do you mean we are meeting with G-Green this Friday?"

"Well, you remember how Akane and I promised to meet Green sometime soon?" You promised, and it was supposed to be next week. I nodded anyway, despite the protesting thoughts running through my head. "So I texted Green, sometime while we were shopping yesterday, and we made plans to meet this Friday!" Oh Arceus. "Oh don't be so dramatic Red, now put these on!" Blue threw a bag at me, containing clothes, and ushered me back into Green's room.

Once the door was closed and locked, I double checked, I pulled he clothes out of the bag. I pulled out a denim jacket, red shirt, black skirt, and black flats. I stripped and put everything on except the denim jacket and instead, opted for a loose, comfortable, black-ish, grey-ish hoodie I bought for me, as Red.

Once I stepped out, Blue put a finger to her bottom lip and inspected me. "You're right, that is so much cuter." And comfortable. Blue took the denim jacket back, putting it in the bag, and pulled me by my wrist out the door, pikachu attempting to keep up behind us.

After I calmed Blue down enough to let me lock the door behind us, as I once again took Green's key, she dragged up into a bar filled with loud music, sweaty people, and drunkards. Oh Arceus, I'm sorry for what ever I did in my past life, but please please no.

The bouncer, the guy guarding the door, took one look at us, smiled, and let us in. I held back a groan and she eagerly dragged me straight to the bar. "Come on Akane, let's have some fun." She pointed to the dance floor and wiggles her hips. I felt my eyes go wide and my head shake. Blue simply rolled her eyes and cocked her hip, putting a fist on it. She took one quick glance at the bar before smiling slyly. "At least have a drink Akane."

I reluctantly sat at the bar and, because I was underage, Blue ordered a strawberry soda and rum. I sipped it lightly as I watched Blue seem to dance the night away. After the third drink, or maybe it was the fourth, my brain was a jumbled mess. I remember talking with people, at some point stumbling onto the floor and dancing with Blue. Slowly, my being seemed to float away and the night was filled with drinks, sweaty bodies, loud music, and bright flashing lights.

Green's POV

Where is Arceus is Red?! It's 2:00 in the morning! Damn it Red! Why do you make me worry about you so much?!

Just then the door opened and Red came stumbling in with Blue trying to steady him. "Whoa, easy there buddy."

"Red!" I quickly rushed to his side, helping the brunette take him-carry him-to the sofa. "Is he okay?"

"He's fine." She panted out. "Just too much to drink I guess."

"Hey," I took a closer look at her, "weren't you the girl with Akane?"

Blue smiled and stuck out her hand, "Well, it's nice to see you again Green." I shook her hand, though I was very confused. "Let me introduce myself in a way you'll understand. I'm Blue, Silver's older sister." Realization clicked into my head. Red knew Gold and Silver so why wouldn't he know Silver's sister right? Though deep down it irked Green that Red was so close to the two boys that he knew their family personally, especially enough to go drinking with them. "Well, I trust you can handle him now, goodnight Green."

I nodded my goodbye and locked the door behind her. I then got a towel, soaked it in cold water and placed it on his forehead. His eyes instantly opened, looking very dazed. He lunged up and wrapped his arms around me.


He didn't stutter, but he did speak with a slight slur, "Hey Green, I've got something very important to tell you."


A/N: So hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment! Sayanora~

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