"Owen!" I yell at him. He went to do it again but I reached over and grabbed it.

That caused more water to come out but all over the car.

"No more! It's all over my car!" Owen yelled jokingly. His whole front half of his car is drenched.

"We are in a drought!" I yelled at him. I tilted my camera down so you could see how wet the center console is.

"You are such an asshole." He teased. I pulled my camera back up to face him. "I'm going to overdub your mouth saying something else."

He just rolls his eyes as he flings the water bottle around some more, getting the last of the water out.

He reached over to the glove compartment to get a towel.

"It's all over my Tesla!" He started to wipe it down. "It's water, it's called it'll evaporate!" I tell him.

He makes a face at me like he's judging me but started laughing.

"You got it all over my car." He tried to say while wiping off the dashboard.

"Oh really, I did that?" I ask knowing it was all him. He didn't even need Charlie to be chaotic.

"You did!" He told me. I'm surprised he was driving okay while trying to wipe everything down.

It was getting dark out so we were there for a couple of hours.

"I'm soaked, why didn't you wipe me off?" I ask showing that I was still wet.

I flip it back towards Owen. "I don't care. Literally zero percent apr financing on a car, I don't care." I started laughing at him.

"I only care if you're sorry, which you have not been." I drop my jaw towards him.

But this is how he jokes around with me. "I wanna hear you say sorry first." It was his turn to drop his jaw.

"What do I have to be sorry for? Oh I'm sorry there was a thunderstorm in my car." He defended himself.

"Let's do a replay showing that you were the one that started it." I snapped my fingers so I knew when to edit it in.

I snap again while looking at Owen. "Okay we're now back from replay, what do you have to say?" I ask him.

He looks at me and says he's sorry. "You know I expect this behavior from Charlie." I tease him while getting just a little bit more footage.

He just rolls his eyes while I hit stop. We haven't told our fans yet that we're sorta a thing.

But they're suspicious. They're very observant and they can tell that Owen and I are closer than me and Charlie.

In the background of the the boys Vlogs, you can us standing next to each to other, super close.

They also heard the time Andrew said I was going on a date with Owen on his stream and put two and two together.

They assume we're together, and they're assuming right.

I do want to make a video of us doing a boyfriend slash girlfriend tag, but I wanna wait til we're actually official.

We're basically dating already, we just don't have a title. We do everything a couple does, just without the title.

I'm just happy to have Owen in my life and he feels the same way about me.

I have strong feelings for him. I don't think they're leaving anytime soon.

Owen is one of the first people to actually understand me. With anxiety, insomnia, and singing. 

We both have the same interests and that's what makes us closer.

He's just a really great guy and you can tell he was raised in a good home.

He has a big heart and he genuinely cares about his friends and family.

I definitely chose the right person to fall for. Stand Tall started playing so I looked at him.

I started singing Madi's part as he did Charlie's. Even though it wasn't a cover for my channel, it was nice hearing him sing.

When it gets to his solo, I get quiet. He sang along with himself and it was nice to hear him sing in person.

He really does have a nice voice. Jeremy's is made for pop music and Charlie's is made for upbeat faster music.

Owen's is made for more of a broadway styled but it honestly sounds good with slower stuff too.

His voice was just perfect. If melted chocolate had a voice, it would be Owens.

He never fails to amaze me.

Black and White || owen joyner Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora