Adam sounded rather put out when he said, "Ramirez does it all the time and I'm not even married to him."

"We could change that." Ramirez offered with a grin."

"you're as bad as co-" And then the tricar reared up to grab his leg. The entire room erupted into movement as Adam yelled in shock and the tricar hauled itself up his body. Leaning against the bedframe,, he had been off balance and so toppled over backwards as the tricar batted at his helmet, trying desperately to smash through his faceplate. Yess screamed and was almost hurled of Jackie's back.

Sunny cures.

The Tricar on the bed was sitting up, grinning skull pointing maliciously at them as it lurched upright, arms held out . And then more of the small Incubus creatures began pouring from the hole. Someone set off their gass, and soon the room was filled with sizzling screaming and acrid smoke. The close quarters gunfire would have been deafening if not for the sound dampening effects of her helmet.

Sunny speared the skull-face tricar through the face , and then gassed the little monsters that were swarming out of the hole. They ran up her arms and onto her helmet clawing at her with their tiny bone feet even while they screamed in agony as the gas touched them. Down on his back Adam had pulled a knife and judiciously separated the creature's head from its body, but now he was being swarmed from all sides. Ramirez ran forward to help stomping and kicking at the creatures. Adam rolled crushing most of the ones that had managed to attach to him, and sprung to his feet.

The group moved to help each other finish off their last few bugs, when there was a massive crash from the end of the room. They turned just in time to see something come bursting through the doorway, or more accurately ripping the doorway to pieces and chunking it into pulp. Rubble exploded into the room showering them in rocks The creature was huge, even taller than sunny and just large enough to fit comfortably in the tunnels. The first two metal bedframes were ripped from the wall as the full-grown Incubus tore into the room.

Everyone opened fire.

A metal bed was hurled into the wall and the creature screamed as it soaked up bullets despite having no visible mouth. Its massive bone spikes.

It raced forward one of its bony legs shooting outward and knocking Slayer 2 into the wall. He hit so hard he dented the metal slamming into the wall and into the floor. Sunny shot the creature I the face, barely dodging to the side as one of the bone spikes slammed down where he had been a moment before. With a roar, Etium raced forward, sliding through the slime under the creature's belly and stitching a line of bullets up through its guts.

The creature screamed.

Suny leaped upward, jumping onto one of the lower beds and then vaulting up onto the creature's back, using her spear as an anchor point. She jammed it into the creature's head and twisted. It screamed and bucked. Its spiked feet came down with enough power to crack metal as it shook itself back and forth violently.

Sunny was flung off to hit one of the bedframes and spin to the side her spear still sticking out of its head.

Adam shot the creature again and again, but as it regained itself, it set its sites on him, slamming its two front feet spikes down at him repeatedly as he dodged this way and that. It grew frustrated, and tried again, but this time Adam grabbed it by the leg and lend on tight. It screamed again and shook its leg flinging him around like a rag doll, but Adam pulled his knife again slamming it into the side of the creatures body as he let go of the leg.. It lunged sideways at the wall pinning Adam between it and the metal.

But then Maverick was there. She cut around to the right and kicked off the wall just as Sunny was coming to her feet flying through the air to land on the creature's back. She held tight to the spear, ripping it from the creature's body leaving a fist sized hole that gushed blood. She was nearly thrown backward off the creature but managed to stay upright, as she reached into her belt, pulled soemthing from her belt and slammed it into the spear opening.

Empyrean Iris Story Collection Vol. 4Where stories live. Discover now