FOUR || C1F5O1J3

163 12 168

The edit is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner!


Yoongi does not need this additional stress.

But he can not complain.

He has a responsibility a little girl is counting on him to fulfil.

The principal is bullshitting him and he can not stand it.

"So, you're telling me, Yeji is being punished for punching a boy who pulled her hair first?" Yoongi asks, referring to the nine year old girl standing beside him, as he sits in front of the principal, one eyebrow raised.

"Sir, we are not excusing the boy's behaviour," the principal tries to reason. "But your daughter's response was irrational."

"What should she have done instead?"

"Told a teacher, or any other form of authority nearby."

"And what would they do?"

"Punish the boy."


"Of course."

"Are you sure they would ensure my daughter's safety and bring justice to her?"

"Yes, no doubt."

"They wouldn't say that he likes her and brush it off like they did last time?"

The principal blinks, adjusting her glasses over her nose as she looks at the boy's father for help, who sighs.

The man decides to speak up, "Mr. Kim, my son likes your daughter and just pulled her hair. A punch in the face was too much of a response."

Yoongi turns his head to Yeji, "Next time he pulls your hair, don't punch him. Pull his hair with equal force. See how he likes it."

Yeji scrunches her nose and smiles mischievously.

"Mr. Kim, he could've seriously gotten hurt," the father says. "You should be taking your child away from the path of violence."

"So that every boy she meets can just run her over as she remains defenceless?" Yoongi turns to look at the standing man, doing his best to stay respectful of his age.

"They are kids, this is how they show affection."

"Then let her love him back," Yoongi smiles, trying to ease the tension. "You should be happy she loves him back with so much force."

"Mr. Kim, you are not getting the point-"

Another bullshit, and Yoongi will pull out the little revolver hidden in his sock.

"The point you are trying to make is that your son is free to do whatever he wants with my daughter's body if he likes her, whether she wants him to or not." Yoongi's voice is firm as his aura shifts to a dark, demanding one. He sends a steely glare in the other male's direction, hoping this much is enough to make his message clear.

"No, Mr.Kim, that is not-"

"Which will translate to rape once he gets hormonal urges."

"Mr. Kim!" The principal exclaims as the father gapes at him, his mouth ajar and his eyes wide.


"We are in the presence of a child!"

"A child who is no stranger to rape in the name of love," Yoongi looks at Yeji, who's icy glare is challenging her attacker's father, her smirk ready to stab through his soul.

"Trust me, I've seen it, she's seen it, we're no strangers to rape," Yoongi speaks confidentally. "If it hadn't been for the law, I would've killed my best friend's rapist when I was hardly around twenty. I would've killed my own father for assaulting my mother. And I would've killed my wife's rapist too, a proper revenge for her rape and murder crime, the wife in question being Yeji's mother. Oh and by the way, Yeji was three when that monster raped her in front of her own daughter."

The other man in the room is left speechless as he stares at Yeji with nothing but sympathy in his eyes, his lips pursed together as he clenches his fist, unsure of what to do with it.

"Mr. Kim, I-" the principal straightens herself. "I am sorry, I had no idea."

Of course, now that the deed is done, you feel bad it happened. Minutes ago, you had the chance to prevent a similar deed.

"I pity all the girls who will have to achieve this apology after their teenage classmate has already done away with them. I pity those girls whose assaulters could've been stopped if their fathers and mothers were a bit more sensible in their elementary years. I don't need your apology," Yoongi stands and takes Yeji's smaller hand into his own. "I am withdrawing my daughter from this school."

And the principal doesn't like that. This is a big school and Yoongi had to pay a shit ton of money just for her uniform. The school cannot lose a rich, intelligent student like her. "Mr. Kim, maybe we can reconsider this?"

Yoongi shakes his head. "Either this mentality goes, or Yeji does."

"Mr. Kim-"

"I will submit her withdrawal application by tomorrow," Yoongi politely bows, nudging Yeji to do the same. Yeji follows her guardian's actions and skips out the door afterwards, her hand still in his.

"Are you mad at me?" Yeji asks once Yoongi closes the door behind him and walks past the injured boy sitting on the chair, glaring at Yeji.

"No baby, you did great."

"Are you going to withdraw Hyunjin too?" she asks about her elder brother.

Yoongi shrugs, "That's up to him."


"Daddy in public, baby," Yoongi reminds her of their cover.

"Dad?" Ever the rebellious one.


"Why didn't you tell them you did kill all those rapists?"

A corner of Yoongi's mouth lifts up into a smirk.


"Do I need to kill anybody?" Hoseok asks as Yoongi steps into his apartment, where the other is already waiting with his lunch.


Hoseok pouts.

"I need to find a homeschooling teacher for Yeji," Yoongi locks the door behind him.

Hoseok nods, "I'll get somebody to look for them."

"Good," Yoongi takes off his coat. "Any news?"

"JK is officially out of Rings territory," Hoseok beams.

Yoongi heaves a sigh of relief, his tense posture slouching, "Thank God."



Short chapter. 😬 Next one is long, I promise. And plot relevant too.

Well, there's Yoongi as a person! And that edit is him in this book right now!

Did you enjoy this chapter? What're your thoughts?

This chapter was really just to make more of a personal point than any relevancy to the plot 😳

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