Untitled Story 05

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Hey Everyone I know I have been gone for a long while i just hope you guys still like my story :D

Anyways heres is the long awaited chapter!!!

Thanks!! ArealJ for your Lovely comment and as promised heres your dedication!!


We tired to get into ours seats without getting introuble. " Miss Sinclaire and Mr. Williams you are both late! This is your only warning understood?"

" Yes Mr. Brown."

"Now that we have that under control, take your seats and you two will be partnered up and work out these equatons." Mr. Brown handed us a paper our hands brushed as we both reached for the work sheet

" Sorry." I mananged to say

" Its ok." Silas smile we worked out the problems together, his hand brushing against mine every now and then. When the bell rang Silas and I walked past Ivy who bumped into me. The contact startled me and caused me to drop my books. I went to pick up my books when I heared Ivy

"Oh my God! What a klutz!" She passed by me stepping on one of my books in the process.

" Forget about her she just jealous that you have me." He winked I felt the heat on my face we walked out of class and met up with Freya and Ryan in the circle.

" Look at what I got done" she stuck her newly pierced tongue at me.

" Eww keep your tongue in your mouth when did you get it done?"

"Yesterday Fynn and I got then together he got his lip pierced I looked over at Fynn he just smiled

"So Artemis do you know what Halloween is." Ryan asked

"Dude I transferred from Paris not another planet, of course I know what Halloween is and it's my favorite holiday!"

"Awesome it's mine too." Freya piped

"Look who's over there."Silas motioned I looked over and I saw Aspen making out with some guy and by the looks of his uniform a jock I guess a basketball player to be exact. The bell rang and Silas walked me to class.

"I'll meet you here after class ok?"

"Yeah I'll see you later." I walked into class and Ivy glared at me through out English class. I did my best to ignore her and focus on my work. English went rather fast as did chemistry soon I was on my way to meet up with Silas,who met me half way.

"Hey," he greeted I smiled and for a while we walked in silence

"So Artemis,there's a Halloween party this Saturday I was thinking. Would you like to go with me?"

"Yes, that would be awesome but, I don't have a costume."

"No problem." Freya said coming behind me "we can go shopping I need one too Ryan asked me to go with him."

"When do you want to go?" I asked


"Yeah that work." Soon we were on our way to eat because everyone was starving."


Hey guys!!! Tell me what you think favorite comment will get the dedication for the new chapter!!!

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