"I did it for 17 years." I say and Nora goes on about how that's not healthy.

I just start running, really annoyed now.

I get to the Endeavor Agency and I drop down in front of the gates and I head inside.

"Cascade!" Inferno says surprised.

The news breaks on the TV and I watch.

"Student Hero Cascade in bad mood after a family and their supporters confront her at the train station." The reporter says and I scowl at the TV.

"Uh oh." Inferno says nervously as they show Nora trying to confront me, and me telling her to piss off.

"Ray, we need to talk." Nora says as the family comes in.

My hand flexes as I stare at the wall.

"They are harassing you." Inferno whispers.

Endeavor comes out and he watches as Matthew speaks ill of me to his mother and I watch her get very upset.

I rub my eyes for a moment, my anger deflating and I'm just done.

"You want to know how much this pisses me off and how much I don't want to deal with this problem anymore?" I ask. "I would rather sit in a room with Randy and talk about my feelings than stand here and listen to Matthew spout off lies to your face and you believing him, even though I have legitimate proof that he's lying to you." I say to Nora and I watch her eyes go wide. "I would rather fight Randy again, than deal with this. That's how done I am with this issue. You can take your harassment elsewhere, I don't give a damn anymore. I've already delt with this, the media knows the whole issue, I proved that this is not my fault in any way. I've already done everything. At this point, you three are causing me unnecessary stress, and this problem has already been delt with. Go cry about it elsewhere. I have video proof of me dealing with these issues already." I say to them, annoyed.

"Is this still going?" Combustion asks surprised.

"It's bad if she'd rather deal with the guy who killed her mom than deal with this." Inferno whispers surprised.

Matthew glares at me and he tries to use his quirk, but I dump water on him without a second thought as I scowl at him.

"Your hand has been twitching this whole time." Matthew provokes me.

I stare at him for a moment and I think for a moment before I change my attitude. "I'm sorry if my hand twitching in annoyance is scaring the poor baby, he must be so frightened that I'll punch him again." I mock and Matthew instantly looks pissed off. "It must be so tragic for the baby that he hasn't been able to get what he wants from me recently, oh man his life is so hard that yesterday he tried to jump off a building." I say and Nora looks at her son in shock as Matthew just stares at me, and I watch him get pissed off. "He didn't get his chocolate ice cream for breakfast this morning, so now he's pissing me off because I'm the reason he's stuck in a normal highschool cause I wasn't gonna be the pawn he wanted to play." I say in a mocking manner.

"At least she's not physically attacking him." Inferno says nervously.

"Go Cascade!" Combustion yells.

"Don't encourage this behavior." Endeavor says to Combustion.

"I've had it just as tough as you, don't mock me!" Matthew yells at me.

"Oh, ok, please tell me how you can top my mother getting shot between the eyes by an abusive husband who abused his step daughter in several aspects. Tell me. Cause honestly, you look average." I say to Matthew who glares at me. "I'm waiting." I say after a moment. "You can't, so don't assume you've had it as bad as me, I have thick skin because of what happened to me. So true and make my life hell, I fucking dare you. Oh wait, you've already tried, that didn't end well did it?" I ask Matthew who glares at me for that.

"That was uncalled for." Nora says to me worried.

"Oh? And you guys harassing me for a week straight is called for?" I ask Nora and she gets quiet at that. "Exactly. I'm using my words to defend me, so don't force me to use any other alternative methods, I've already tried, everything I could possibly think of to get you guys to stop, peacefully that is." I say to the trio in front of me.

"Don't listen to her Mom, she's the liar." Matthew says to me.

I finally get so exasperated and just done, that I stop talking.

"We've past the point of no return." Inferno says worried.

Matthew continues to make accusations at me and I'm just quiet.

I flip off Matthew and he gasps offended and I hold up my other middle finger too and I flip him off with both hands, which greatly offends him.

I move my hands around as I flip him off and Matthew glares at me.

I walk past the trio as I flip them off and I walk out the door backwards as I continue flipping them off.

Matthew follows me, pissed off and I flip him off.

I walk backwards towards my favorite coffee shop and I walk in, still flipping off Matthew as he follows me.

"Your usual Ma'am?" The barista asks me and I nod.

I continue to flip off Matthew as he glares at me.

I use my quirk to create a giant hand that flips off Matthew as I take my coffee.

"He's really pissed her off."

I go back to the agency and I hide behind Combustion and he smirks amused as I stare blankly at Matthew as I flip him off with a water fist while I drink my coffee.

Combustion flips off Matthew too and Matthew glares at us.

Endeavor settles everything, seeing as how I'm refusing to talk anymore.

Inferno touches me and she instantly takes her off off. "Your boiling." She whisper yells in shock.

Combustion looks curious about that. "Your that pissed off?" Combustion asks me surprised.

I just drink my coffee as I stare at Matthew who is glaring at me.

"WHERE'D MY WATER GO?" A sidekick yells in shock.

"I should probably go cool down somewhere." I say after a moment.

"Your capable of boiling water around you as well?" Inferno asks surprised.

I go find a place to sit down and be quiet, it just so happened to be the roof of the agency.

I sit quietly as I scroll through some memes, just trying to cool off.

Endeavor joins me after a bit. "They weren't listening to you." Endeavor says after a moment.

"Mhm. That's how it's been. Because if the lie is revealed first, the truth holds no weight." I say to Endeavor who nods.

"Let's do some training." Endeavor says as he gets up.

I follow Endeavor down to the backyard and he trains me for a bit.

Deku's Adoptive Sister (My Hero Academia Fan-Fic) Where stories live. Discover now