"W-well, at least you tried, amie," Antoine stuttered.

"Yeah..." Y/n says as he picks up his grabbing stick.

However, something hits him in the head and soaks him in some kind of liquid. A cup falls to the ground and Y/n looks down at it before looking up to see a small group of Mobians.

"Go home!" one of them barked at Y/n. "Freak!"

"Monster!" a second says.

"Human scum!" the others say.

They all then throw other things at the human and run off, leaving Y/n covered in food and beverages. He seethes in anger as the laughter of those Mobians fade away into the distance. He grips his grabbing stick and it incinerates from his power.

"M-maybe you should calm down, Monsieur Y/n," Antoine tells Y/n nervously.

Y/n instantly dashes off and speeds around the park. He returns to where Atoine was and slams a full trash bag into a nearby trash can.

"I'm going home," he says as he turns and walks off.

"O-oh..." Antoine stutters. "Okay, then..."

Short Timeskip...

Not long after storming off from Antoine, Y/n arrives at his house and opens the door before slamming it shut. As he walks inside, Nicole materializes to greet her crush.

"Hi, Y/n!" she greets. "You're back early."

"I need a shower," he says as he passes the AI.

Nicole looks dumbstruck as Y/n walks off to his bathroom. She turns to where he was walking before the thought of Y/n taking a shower invaded her mind. She glitches before smacking herself.

"No, no...! Get that out of your head...!" she tells herself. "Bad, Nicole! Bad!"

"Is everything okay out there?" Y/n asks as he pokes his head into the hallway.

"Everything's fine!"

After Y/n takes a shower, he walks into his bedroom with a clean outfit and no food or drinks on him. He still has the balloon with him, but untied from his wrist. He ties it to his desk chair before sitting down on it and turning on his tablet that he uses to draw whenever he got bored or needed to cool off. Which was now.

"So... what happened?"

Y/n turns to see Nicole behind him.

"Some jerks threw food and drinks at me," he stated before turning back to his drawing.

"I have a feeling that it's more than that," the holo-lynx says as she walks up to her crush.

"... no one wants my help anymore," Y/n informs as he sets down his stylus. "Back in Knothole, everyone liked me and loved it when I helped. Here? Here, everyone hates and fears me. They don't want me here."

"Th-that's not true," Nicole tells her friend as she places a hand on his shoulder. "Not everyone hates you. L-like me. I like you... a lot."

Nicole could feel her systems overheating, signaling her version of blushing. Then she felt Y/n's hand slide on to her's and she smiles at him.

"Thanks, Nicole," he says. "You've been... probably the best friend I've had in a bit this past week. Always looking out for me."

"I-it's my job as the one who's supposed to watch you," Nicole says, "and as your friend."

"Thanks, Nic."

Nicole smiles as Y/n picks up his stylus and goes back to drawing, a much clearer mind in his head. She then looks over at the red balloon floating above him tied to the chair, and she grows curious.

Only Human [Sonic Universe x Male Human Reader]Where stories live. Discover now