Hedgehog Havoc (Part 2: The Big Finale)

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At Freedom HQ, Sally and Alicia were still arguing.

"The ends don't justify the means here!" Sally tells her Anti. "We cannot leave Sonic and Amy stranded on Moebius."

"Complain all you want," Alicia smirks. "You wanted Scourge sent home, and you got it."

"Not good enough. And whatever that Silver said about Y/n possibly being on Moebius, then I have to find him," Sally declares. "Tails! Get those Star Posts up and running!"

"Working on it, Sally!" Tails says as he types away at a keyboard.

"I said--!" Alicia yells as she takes out her whip, only for Miles to stop her.

"Please, your highness," he says. "The 'heroes' have had plenty of time to pulverize our former king."

"Tch! Be that way," Alicia crosses her arms. "When we get there, make sure our Globe Posts stay online so we can send these jerks home when we're done."

"Yes, ma'am," Miles nnods.

The Star Posts then activate and the portal forms between them. Everyone then begins to walk through it to get to Moebius.

"Ha! Looks like we're just in time to wrap this up," Boomer grins as he hears some fighting going on nearby.

"Look out, camarade," Patch tells his doppleganger. "I might swing recklessly in ze heat of battle."

"I will be watching my back," Antoine says. "Watch your own."

Alicia clicks her teeth as she crosses her arms.

'Who I'm worried about is Anarchy. We haven't had word from him in a week,' Alicia thinks to herself as she and everyone else make their way to the throne room. 'Where could he be?'

When the Freedom Fighters and Suppression Squad arrive at the throne room, they were met with a mighty shock.

"Oh, no!" Sally says.

"Impossible!" Alicia declares in horror.

"Oh, good! Fresh meat to soften my knuckles on."

In the center of the throne room was the defeated bodies of all the hedgehogs and Metal Y/n. In the middle of it all was a floating Super Scourge, holding Sonic up by the throat.

"Ladies first!" Super Scourge declares as he elbows Bunnie

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"Ladies first!" Super Scourge declares as he elbows Bunnie. "How's that for southern comfort?"

"BUNNIE!" Antoine calls out to his wife in fear.

"Want to get stepped on next, ant?" Super Scourge stomps on Antoine, pinning him to the ground. "Happy to oblige!"

"Stop!" Tails orders as he charges at the amethyst hedgehog.

"Shut it, ya mutant brat," Super Scourge backhands the boy away.

Then the king of Moebius flies over to Sally and grabs her by her jacket.

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