Chapter 13

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*Dez POV*

"Man you sure" Adrian asked me

"Yes I'm sure. She asked me last night" I rubbed my face "why you tripping"

"You love hard and if this ends badly I hate to see what you'll do" She rubbed her eyebrows

"Afraid I'll come running to you again to fix my heart" I crossed my arms

"Dez that's not what I meant" She sighed

"Look Adrian Zariah isn't some straight girl she knows she wants to be with me" I leaned against the wall

"I don't want you getting overly attached, if you are sure you good. Then I'm happy for you" She finally smiled

"Trust it won't be like the past" I put my hand on her shoulder

"Have some restraint. Don't fall head over heels and remember what I taught you" Adrian hugged me

"Ladies you left Z feeling self conscious about her coming out. You can see it written on her face. What is it with you and seeing straight girls come out" Oshin walked up to us

"In my experience" Adrian began to explain

"No. You don't get to do that. You did that to those girls. You made the choice to go after straight girls and fuck them up mentally. You've atoned for it by being a better person and friend now but that doesn't mean you get to make Zariah feel the way she is feeling. We saw this coming, the moment Dez mentioned her. You see how Dez looks at her and how she looks at Dez. The same way you look at your wife. It's real Adrian. Not some straight Girl fantasy" Oshin got in her face

"You're right" Adrian sighed "I just don't want my best friend to get hurt"

"Neither do I but Zariah cares about Dez. Dez cares about her" Oshin smiled

"I guess I ruined her big come out moment" Adrian sighed

"We can make it up to her" I smiled

"Y'all better. If it weren't but to save face she'd be crying right now" Oshin crossed her arms
We all walked back to the table

"My apologies Zariah" Adrian sat back down

"Is everything okay" she asked

"Yeah babe" I smiled

"Was telling your girlfriend how this relationship thing works now. She been out of the game for a grip" Adrian laughed

"Back like I never left" I kissed Zariah

"So does your family know" Terra asked

"Well no I just came to this realization I guess a few days ago. I was scared to admit it. And last night I asked her to be my girlfriend. I haven't told my family. It's just my uncle, grandma, and brother" She looked at me

"When the time is right" I rubbed her hand

"They supportive" Princess asked

"When they thought I was dating Dez or least when my brother thought so. He said he'd be supportive" she shrugged "don't see why the rest of them wouldn't"

"In due time we'll tell. We just wanted to tell you guys and then adapt" I smiled

"I remember coming out to my folks. I was so damn scared. My mother was okay with it. My father almost lost his shit. No son of my mine would be a fairy. He yelled almost all night. I eventually quit listening but that didn't stop him from yelling. Didn't change me though" Jahmil stuck his tongue out "jokes on the old bastard"

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