Chapter 12

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*Zariah's POV*
I woke up and the smell of breakfast filled my nose. I got up and put on Dez robe and walked into the kitchen.

"Mmm breakfast" I smiled seeing Dez at the stove still in her boxers and bra

"Hey sleepy head" She smiled "that my robe"

"Figured you wouldn't mind sharing" I walked over and kissed her shoulder

"Well instead of sharing how about we buy you one" She kissed me "since you're my girlfriend now. The spoiling only goes up from here"

"Say it again" I smirked

"You're my girlfriend" she smiled

"I like hearing that" I sat at the table

"I like saying it more" She set the breakfast on the table and we dug in

"Who taught you how to cook" I asked getting a forkful of scrambled eggs and sausage

"My mom" she smiled

"My Nan cooks all the time. I got a few family recipes stored" I laughed

"You gotta cook for me sometime"

"Now that we are a couple. You gotta meet my family" I scooped up some more food

"Can we take things slow. I don't want you to rush into anything. I sucked the soul out of you where just last week you were straight and now today you have a girlfriend. I don't want the hype to go to your head" Dez sighed

"Don't lesbians meet and get married in the same week" I rolled my eyes

"Not this one" she crossed her arms

"So what. We don't tell anyone because you don't want to look some type of way"

"Can we just enjoy us. You can't even label your feelings" Dez finished her food

"I like women" I confidently said and then cleaned up the plates

"Great you told the woman who knows this" Dez laughed

"And I want my family to know" I pouted

"Zariah are you sure about this" she sighed

"Dez yes. I want to be with you and I want people to know" I leaned on the counter

"Im shy" she shrugged

"Dez" I put my hand on my hip

"I'm scared" she rubbed her face

"Of" I tapped my cheek

"You deciding telling people makes this all too real. You aren't experimenting anymore you are dating. We're a couple. A lesbian couple" Dez stared at me trying to gauge my response

"Then I'm gay. This is real. And you're my amazing smart and beautiful girlfriend" I smiled

She softened up. She smiled back at me and hugged me. That funny feeling I get around Dez still hits me whenever she touches me. After last night this hug feels so much better.

"Who do you want to tell first" She asked

"Our friends" I smiled

"Then let's get ready and tell our friends" She kissed me
We walked in the bathroom and took a shower. We mainly kissed the whole time and then got out. We got dressed and texted our friends to meet us for lunch.

"Ready" She smiled at me

"Ready" I kissed her
She opened the door for me and smacked my ass as I walked out. She then opened the car door for me. We rode to the restaurant and my leg shook the entire time. She's my girlfriend. I asked her to actually date me. I want to be with a woman. Why in my 25 years of living I've never felt something like this. Dez knew from a young age, Jahmil knew, Adrian knew. But I'm getting to my late 20s and I'm just experiencing feeling for women. And I'm still not sure if it's women or its just Dez.

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