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So, even though I have to get up at five tomorrow morning and every other school morning, I couldn't sleep, and I saw this headcanon like forever ago so...

You can read this as a AU or as a demigods living as mortals, it isn't really influenced either way.

Word count: 1812 (shortest so far😅)




It was night now, and New York was alive. Sounds echoed out of the tunnels, the streets, and the clubs. Lights shone out of cars, billboards, and apartments. One apartment in particular was shining bright, and emitting a lot of noise.

"Trav! You're late again!" I shook my blonde hair out of my face angrily.

"Sorry, Kit-Kat, you'll never believe who I saw at work!" Travis hung his coat on the door. Then he turned around and saw me, I guess I looked pretty stern because he froze and took a step back.

"Trav! You missed dinner!" I didn't really know what I expected of him, but I was pretty certain most people weren't late coming home from work every day. We really needed to work on his time management skills.

"What? No, I'm not that late."

I gave him a look, I was well practiced at giving it. It was a mix of skeptical, suspicious, and angry; perfect for every occasion. "I already put Kyle down. We ate dinner like an hour ago."

"Are you sure you weren't just reading the clock wrong, 'cause it wouldn't be the first-" Travis broke off, either seeing the dangerous glimmer (which I hoped was practically glowing up in my eyes) or needing to use the bathroom really bad. 

"Are you going to finish that?" 

"Uh... time I've been wrong. You know that happens loads of times." I sighed, I hated being mad at him because I could never stay that way. My anger always melted away, like olive oil trying to stick to a lava fish. Wait, wouldn't that just be fried fish?

I turned around and started in the direction of the living-room, trying to maintain some shreds of my dignity. "Pasta's on the stove, sauce is in the microwave. You might have to heat it up."

Trav wrapped his arms around me from behind, which totally startled me, even though he did that sort of thing all the time. I leaned into him, melting into his arms. This was why I could never stay angry at him, he would frustrate the Hades out of me, then do something really sweet. He kissed me on the cheek, then I turned my head to kiss him on the lips. We sat there like that for a few moments, electricity tingling throughout my entire body. Being around him felt like constantly being smacked with a bug zapper. 

"Now go eat," I said, pulling away. I didn't have to turn around to see the quizzical smile pulling at his lips, but I did anyway.

I drifted into the living room and picked up the book I had been reading for nearly a month now. 

Travis found me there fifteen minutes later, sitting on the couch, halfway through the second chapter. 

"Well, you've made a dent in that, haven't you?" He smirked at me. The bastard.

I scowled right back, "Not all of us are English majors." Sometimes he could be as insufferable as.... chocolate. One of those things that your parents tell you is bad for you, but no matter how terrible you know it really is, you just have to have it. Until your boyfriend turns your entire cabin into it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2022 ⏰

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