AU, Elevator Shafts, Part 2.

74 4 42

Word count: 2222

Pov: Travis

It was so dark the darkness felt tangible, like a giant wad of black gum. The elevator lurched, but I was sort of used to it by now. I felt the muscles in the girl's shoulders bunch up.

Suddenly, she sprang up from her seated position and stomped her foot on the ground, hard. Or, at least, that's what I think she did. I couldn't see her at all, not even her silhouette.

"What the heck‽" I wasn't entirely certain who she was yelling at, but it was very entertaining. "I refuse to do this! LET ME OUT!" at which point, she slammed her foot into the elevator ground again. The entire car shuddered and the girl stumbled into me. She tripped and landed square across my lap.

I allowed myself a satisfied smirk. She couldn't see it anyway.

"Quit smirking!"

Or maybe she could.

"It's not funny!! I want OUT!!!" Then she shouted again, "Let Me OUT!!!!"

"I wonder who she's talking to, very loudly might I add. She wouldn't happen to be speaking with the very elevator? Because if she is I feel like someone should tell her the elevators probably not gonna respond."

The girl didn't answer, she just started pacing. I laid down and tried to relax. I was startled out of my near comatose state by a lurch, then all the wind was knocked out of me when the girl kneed me in the stomach.

"Oh my gods!! I'm so sorry!!"

"Yeah- Fine-," I groaned, gasping for air.

After about a minute, I could breathe again. I quickly stood up, rubbing my sore solar plexus. So, I was caught off guard when the elevator lurched again. This time, I slammed my face into the wall. Yes, I had the best luck in the world.

The girl managed to grab my arm and pull me to the floor. We both sat down, panting slightly. "This is like that time me and Miranda got trapped in our closet, if the closet had been on a bouncy house."

I hadn't been expecting her to say anything, so I was startled, "One time, me and my brother, Conner, stayed in a vent for seven hours without making any noise. Conner sneezed when we had five minutes left and we had to abandon the project. True pain."

"The... Project? Do I want to know?"

"Probably not. But it would have been amazing."

"Well, one time our neighbors kept sending their dogs over to our backyard to dump, so me and Miranda killed their garden by dumping all the doggy doodoo into their flower bed."

I stared at her, well, in her direction. Such a beautiful, wonderful, absolutely positively amazing girl. "Me and Conner died our mom's hair blue once. Got grounded for a whole week."

"A week?" She sounded surprised.

"I know, my mom is harsh with punishment."

"That's totally what I meant."

I put my arm around her shoulders very dramatically, "You see, when you're already grounded three weeks for setting a herd of goats free on school property, and two weeks for spreading jam across the roof of some guy named Herald Biscuit's house, and-"

"I get it. You're permanently grounded."

"No, I've just got..." I made a big show of counting something on my fingers, even though she couldn't see. "Eighty-seven months, two weeks, and five days left."

I could feel her incredulous gaze on me. I allowed myself a self satisfied smile.

"Do you know what story we're on?" She turned her head towards me, and I was realized she hadn't shaken my arm off her shoulders.

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