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"It's just confusing! I mean, I'm pretty sure he kissed her back when we had dinner, and now he wants to kiss me? It doesn't make sense."

Afya was yet again on the phone, this time calling Wendy, as she hadn't spoken to her properly in a while.

Wendy shook her head at the sight of Afya ranting." Maybe he's realised that he doesn't like her, or never liked her in the first place. "

"In the span of merely a few days? That doesn't make sense at all!"

Afya sighed. "If it turns out that Bukayo and Sabrina are in a relationship together, or at least have feelings for each other, then I don't want to be in the way of that."

"Relationship? Really? Now, I don't wanna judge other people, but don't you think it's weird that Sabrina hasn't come to a single match Bukayo played?"

"How did you know?"

"You told me, remember? Anyway, it seems a bit strange to me. If anything, I would say it's deliberate."

"Come on now Wendy," groaned Afya. "Don't be assuming people's actions like this, it's not right of you."

"Is that you telling me that you completely disagree with everything I'm saying? Because if that's the case we can talk about something more interesting if you prefer."

Afya fell silent and rolled her eyes. "Fine. I guess you're right."

There was a sudden knock at the door. "One second," Afya replied, as she rose from her bed to go and answer the door. "Anyways, how's it going with you and Eugene?"

"Well, we're definitely getting somewhere," Wendy giggled. "He brought me Jollof. Whose at the door?"

Afya opened it to find Yaw and Kweku jumping up and down with each other.

"Abeg, Afya, cut the call, cut the call!" Kweku exclaimed. "We have news!"

"Yes, very very important news!" Yaw added.

Afya sighed once more. "I gotta go," she said to Wendy. "And the next time we speak, I want the full details of what's going on."

She hung up the phone and put it onto her bed, before looking to the pair of boys and raising an eyebrow. "What's the big news?"

"Well," said Yaw. "Remember 'Sore'?"

Afya nodded. It was one of Yaw's most successful songs by far, it had blown up across Ghana and indeed across of all Africa.

"And you know how the remix had Stormzy?"

Afya nodded once more.

"It turns out that he's in London, and he heard that we're in London!"


"We've been invited to a party with Stormzy!" shouted Kweku in happiness. "It's at a London nightclub!"

Yaw nodded to confirm this. "He messaged the team a couple hours ago, saying he heard Ghana Party in the Park was coming up, and if I was going to be there. They said yes and, well, he invited me to this big party he's having. And yes, you guys can come too."

Afya smiled brightly. "Well done!" she replied. "I'm really proud of you, but now I gotta go find an outfit, so both of you need to leave."

"Ah, no," interjected Kweku. "You didn't tell us what happened at the game?"

"Oh, right. Well they won, and they're going to the finals, which is good news. I'm really proud of them."

"And by that she means she can't wait to plant a big fat kiss over Saka when she sees him at the party," Yaw said to Kweku.

Afya looked surprised. "What would he be doing at the party?"

"Oh, CLEARLY, Yaw forgot a tiny detail," said Kweku, rolling his eyes. "The England team are gonna be there, I'm guessing they're celebrating the win."

'Great,' thought Afya, mentally cursing. 'I'm gonna see Bukayo again, and pretend as if we weren't about to kiss a couple hours ago.'

But going to a party, and - more importantly - having some alcohol in her system was exactly what Afya felt she needed. Alcohol gave Afya boosted confidence, something which would definitely help her confront Bukayo.

Once the two boys had left, Afya sank back down onto her bed.

It wasn't' like she didn't want the action to go ahead - she was anticipating it rather eagerly, to be honest. She just didn't want to be considered a homewrecker or someone that liked the idea of cheating. Cheating was what ruined her in the first place.

It was because of cheating that she broke it off with Zain, and if it had not been for the actions of Isabel and Uche, then she would probably still been trapped in that awful relationship.

"Well, it looks like I'd better find something to wear," said Afya, to no one in particular. Thank God she'd packed clubbing outfits.


It was a few hours later, around 8pm, when Afya was finally ready to go. Her outfit looked amazing on her as usual, and she couldn't wait to show it off.

It seemed to be just Afya, Yaw and Kweku that were going to this event, the rest of the performers choosing to either spend a quiet night in or doing something else. But meeting Stormzy? That was an opportunity that Afya didn't want to miss out on.

"So for the last time, Afya, you promise that you won't get yourself too drunk?" Yaw asked, trying to confirm his friend's actions while they were in the Uber. Afya nodded and rolled her eyes.

"I never get too drunk," she replied huffily. "I just get excited and act irrationally."

"Like the time you took over as DJ because the music was horrible?" asked Kweku.

"Or the time you got thrown out because you got involved in some sort of fight?" Yaw reminded.

"Don't forget the time she ran out the club with a bottle of gin because 'You Only Live Once' and you weren't about to pay 1500 cedis for it?"

"Didn't you go with Kweku to that other one and then you passed out?"

"Are we here to remind me of things that I've done or are we here to go and live life?" Afya snapped. "Come on guys, leave me alone. We should be worrying about Yaw instead."

"Yeah, come to think of it, you can drink now," said Kweku. "Don't follow in her footsteps!"


Kweku shook his head and laughed before looking out the window. "Hey, I think we're here now!" he exclaimed.

And so they were - it was definitely the right club. Loads of people were already outside, ready to have the night of their lives.

The trio stepped out of the car and gave security their I.D. before entering further.

"If i end up drunk then we keep that a secret from Akua, okay?" Afya warned. "She told me I have an interview tomorrow morning."

Yaw and Kweku nodded. "Look, there he is!"

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