Chapter 4: Luna

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Twenty Years Ago

'My home was beautiful, it had everything I needed as a child. But most importantly... it was where my family had lived for generations.'

A five year old Luna was running around a small village on all fours, giggling adorably as she played tag with some other wolf children. The village had only five structures, one was the chieftain and his family's own personal living space, one was for the village people to stay, one was for cooking, one was meant for forging and the other... Luna had no idea. She was never allowed inside that building.

As the children chased each other in between the structures and all around the village, a bell was suddenly heard sounding. "Lunch time!" Shouted a feminine voice from the cafeteria shack.

Luna and the other children excitedly galloped towards the smell of food. But when they reached the entrance, the very tall and muscular village chieftain who was also Luna's father blocked the way, looking down at them with crossed arms.

"You kids know the rules." The chieftain scolded, looking particularly at his daughter. "We walk indoors on two paws." He reminded. He had identical fur as his daughter. Dark grey with a shade of white along with dark red irises.

"Yes father." Luna responded with a clear grumpy voice, as she begrudgingly stood upright on two paws, along with the other children.

"That's better, now in you go and eat up." The chieftain snickered, stepping aside for the wolf children and watched as they immediately rushed in... except Luna, who was looking up at her dad.

She seemed to have an almost sad look in her adorable big eyes. "Father... will mother be back today?" She asked hopefully.

The question surprised the Chieftain, and he slowly crouched down to Luna's height. "I... do not know, daughter. Bringing back a successful hunt to the village takes time, and patience. You know this." He gently began to stroke his daughter's hair. "Your mother is the best huntress in this village, she'll spend days out there if it meant bringing back lots of food for us."

"But... she's been gone almost a week." Luna replied sadly.

The chieftain nodded his head slowly, but smiled. "Yes, I know. But I have known her to be out there for months. If you want to follow in her footsteps, that is what it takes. Patience and a lot of it." He said softly, and leaned down to place a loving kiss on his daughter's head. "Now come. Let's eat."

Luna begrudgingly followed her father inside, and flinched slightly when the village people cheered for them as soon as they entered. "Chief! Chief Flynn!" Some called out to him, making the chieftan chuckle and wave at them.

The pack consisted of only wolf furs, and everyone there only wore small brown pieces of cloth to cover their private parts.

"For once, don't mind me everyone. Enjoy your lunch!" The chieftan said with a raised voice, clearly amused as he walked with Luna towards a large pot in the centre of the cafeteria, which was only lit by torches.

Luna's little ears lowered when some of the village people cheered for her as well, and attempted to hide by her father's side. "I don't like this." She mumbled, making clear that she wasn't a fan of so much attention.

"What? You don't like being the chieftain's daughter?" Flynn replied with a small chuckle. "Don't be ridiculous." He said as he began sorting out two wooden bowls of what looked to be some kind of soup. He handed one bowl to his daughter along with a piece of bread before walking with her to an area of the cafeteria, which was clearly only meant for the Chieftain and his family.

The pair sat down on the small blanket and began eating in silence. During that time, Luna could only think of her mother. She missed her greatly... but most of all she missed the lullaby her mother sang to her every night, a song she made herself called the wandering wolf, which made the young Luna dream of her future of wanting to explore the world, like a wandering wolf.

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