Chapter 2: Hopelessly Outnumbered

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John and Shira looked up the fleet of helicopters which hovered above them and the entirety of Montreal as a whole, completely surrounding them. The man was stunned, to say the very least, he never expected to be so hopelessly outnumbered, even now that things were going well for them. Their only choice was either a successful negotiation, or evacuation. Fighting was not an option.

It took no time at all for fur troops to rush up to the surface after Francis's order, each and everyone of them standing at the ready to defend their home, including Luna, Cooper and Ivan. Most furs wielded bows and blades, but some held guns that they found over the years. Even though they were all ready to fight to their last breaths as soon as John gave the order, the man would not give it. The only order he would give, would be to evacuate.

John watched as one of the large helicopters lowered to the ground outside of the walls, just small enough to fit in between the many buildings and land on the road. As it did so, he quickly climbed up a ladder that led up to a watch platform, followed by Shira and Luna.

The helicopter touched down moments later, and a large ramp lowered down behind it. The three of them watched as a large number of F.E.O soldiers rushed out, immediately stationing themselves strategically around the walls of Perseverance while pointing big assault rifles at them threateningly.

John could hear a livid growl coming from Luna when she realized that this was F.E.O, the same people who killed her pack. The wolf girl only felt hatred now, no fear, which was why the man placed a hand on her shoulder, an effort to calm her down.

But he too would feel the same hatred that she felt when he saw a man, who undeniably resembled Artimas's figure walk out of the helicopter, followed by the Supreme and Vizla. The two men looked coldly into each other's eyes, as if everything around them no longer existed. It was just them, their rivalry, and their undying hatred for one another... until he regained his focus, and watched as the Supreme stepped closer to the walls.

"So you must be this fur fucker I've heard so much about." The Supreme glared up at the man, although her face was covered by her helmet, it was still clear that her expression was twisted into one of hatred. "You do remember our laws, yes? Just because our world collapsed does not mean that F.E.O have fallen, we never will."

John was silent for a moment, thinking carefully about how he would respond. "No, I remember them pretty well ma'am, just always felt different." he said truthfully, and uncaringly.

"Hm, is that so?" The Supreme mumbled under her breath. "Listen fur fucker, I have come to enforce F.E.O law, since I see now that things have gotten out of control. You will die today, but the furs you lead have a chance to live, and return to their natural enslaved state under my rule. Order them to lay down their arms, and walk in an orderly manner through that gate... if you do not, they will all die with you. What will it be?"

"Eat a dick, bitch." Luna spat in the Supremes' direction, once again having to be calmed by John and Shira. But clearly... the Supreme did not take kindly to the insult.

"Maybe we can work something else out?" John asked calmly, keeping a hand on Luna's shoulder. "Look around... this place proves that the world is more than just conflict between human and fur... these very walls were built by humans who accepted." the man spoke as calm, and convincingly as he could, looking directly into the eyes of the Supremes' helmet. "We don't have to keep fighting each other... especially now that we all have a common enemy. Imagine how far we could get if we put all of our differences behind us, and worked together."

There was a moment of uncomfortable silence as the Supreme actually considered the man's words, the only sound being heard were the helicopters that still loomed above. Artimas and Vizla's glared did not halt as their leader contemplated, but after a moment... she made her decision.

A Changed World - Book II | The Awakening of DarknessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin