The Stanchurian Candidate

Start from the beginning

I wanted to chase after her, to make sure everything was alright but deep down, I knew I had more important things to worry about, the conversation I had with Ford was still vivid and ringing in my ears.

'Are you insane? What if something goes wrong? I can't afford to lose them!'

'You won't, this is the only way. Bill's gotten smarter ever since he has entered our world, he knows too much about me and I'm afraid he might know about your plans. If we do it my way, there is a higher chance that he won't kill one or both of them and we might just win our battle.'

'There has to be another way!'

'There isn't!'

'Fine, but even if we do it your way, I don't think I'll be able to create that invention you just described. Millions of scientists have tried creating it over hundreds of years and failed, what makes you think I can?'

'Because you're different Ford, you're not just some ordinary scientist. You're probably the best scientist on this planet right now, you could pretty much create any sort of invention if you set your mind to it.'

'Fine, I'll try my best. And how about you? Carrying out that trick alone uses up so much energy and requires tens, if not hundreds or thousands of years of training, it's not something you can master in a matter of days or weeks. Are you sure you can do it?'

'Ford, I'll do anything to take Bill down. It's my duty and my destiny. He can conquer the Earth, over MY. DEAD. BODY. I won't let it happen and I certainly will make sure that my family isn't harmed in any way.'

'Good. Now go, go get some rest and prepare yourself for tomorrow night. I have many things to consider and an invention to work on.'

'Thank you, Ford.'

'Before you leave, this stays between us, understand? I don't want you telling anyone, not even your triplets, or your girlfriend, understand?'

'Yes, I understand.'

These thoughts continuously loitered within my mind as I brushed my teeth, making my way downstairs shortly afterwards to check on the twins and what they were doing. 

The air carries Ford's voice and Dipper, Mabel, Soos and Casey's cheers from the living room to my ears. "And... we're... done!" 

I walk to the living room slowly, seeing a grumpy, curmudgeon and slightly bruised Stan standing by the kitchen doorway, glaring at Ford while carrying the lightbulb he had just bought from the store. 

I stand beside him, patting him on the back sympathetically.

"Magnus? Since when did you get here?" he inquired, turning around in surprise.

"Oh, I just got here but you certainly do look like you need a rest." 

"Maybe," he grumbled in response, his eyes still fixated on Ford's new lightbulb. 

"Come, maybe a little TV will cheer you up," I tugged at his arm, wanting to drag him away from the gang because there were two people I wanted to avoid at that moment in time. 

Stan mumbles something incomprehensible and starts moseying his way over to the TV room, with me following in tow. I look back, my eyes latching onto Ford's gaze for a moment before he gives me a curt nod and turns his attention to the others.

Stan takes a seat and sighs. "Well, TV at least you appreciate me. Give me the good news."

"This just in, the mayor is dead," Shandra Jimenez announced the instant Stan switched on the TV. 'Well, that's the epitome of the term 'perfect timing.''

Through The Triplet's Eye: A Gravity Falls FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now