The Stanchurian Candidate

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The first thing I feel in the morning is something or rather, someone hitting me, obviously not very pleased with me for whatever reason.

My eyelids open themselves automatically to find the culprit and after not even a second flew by, I found her.

"Case, why did you hit me?" I asked, trying to tease a response out of her.

"Don't you dare use that nickname, you know I don't like it!" she shouted indignantly. "Where were you yesterday night?"

My eyes widened, never hearing her use that sort of tone against me before so I held my hands up in surrender. "Whoa, whoa calm down. What happened? Did I do something wrong?"

She growled. "You said you would come up in a few minutes yesterday, you liar! Now, answer the question, where were you?"

"You need to calm down," I said firmly, placing a hand on her shoulder. 

She grabbed the hem of my shirt aggressively. "You need to talk."

"What has gotten into you?" I try to push her hand away but her hand would not even shift an inch. 'I guess I have no choice.'  

I draw energy from the Axolotl and enter the mindscape, crossing the threshold that divided my mind and hers. As soon as I enter her mindscape, I exude my calm and equanimous emotion into her mindscape, thinking of all the moments I remained calm and composed in the face of danger and arguments. 'I hope this works.'

Before I will myself to vanish from her mindscape, I glimpse that infinitesimal door from last time was left ajar so using telekinesis, I shut it. 'What even is that door for?'

In a flash, I was back to reality again, my eyes locking with Casey's and at that juncture, I could see that her countenance had changed to a collected one. 

"You okay now?" I asked, slowly pushing her hand away from my shirt.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that and grabbed your shirt. I don't know what got into me. It just came to me so suddenly." She looked away from me guiltily. 

"It's alright, at least you're calmer now. Were you really that mad at me for leaving you on the bed by yourself for a few hours?"

"Yeah, I was a little crossed with you but I wasn't mad to that extent."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I should have thought about you and came up earlier," I conceded.

"What were you even doing down there for that long anyway?" 

"I was having a chat with Ford."

"For that long?" she asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I know, as I said, I'm really sorry, I should have told you I was going to come up in a few hours' time."

Casey crossed her arms and glowered at me. "Magnus, now I'm starting to feel mad again. You're lying to me, and I know it. You weren't just talking to Ford, were you?"

"No, I was just talking to Ford," I told her half the truth because I really did talk to Ford.

"Magnus!" She admonished. "Why are you lying to me? Do you not trust me anymore?"

"No," I denied hurriedly. "I do trust you, it's just that, the things Ford and I are doing are extremely dangerous and confidential and I would like to keep the things between him and me a secret."

"I get it," she said quietly and without muttering or saying another word, she turned away, climbing down the ladder and marched out of the room.

"Casey, wait!" I shouted. 'What did I even say to make her that mad?'

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