A Brief Look at the Past

Start from the beginning

"What?" He asked after a moment.

"Well I just figured you'd want to get ready?" It came out as a question instead of an answer. One that he immediately scoffed at.

"Don't be silly." He motioned inside of the motorhome again and I shook my head as I stepped in.

He followed behind me, letting me move towards the living area to remove my shoes before I turned back to him. He was leaning against the wall by the top of the stairs, just staring at me with a small smile on his face. His hands were shoved in the front pockets of his jeans as he suddenly took a deep breath and looked away from me. I wasn't sure if something was wrong or if he was waiting for me to speak. Metaphorically, I met him halfway. Moving quietly across the room until I was standing in front of him. His head moved back so he could look down at me in the process.

"Well hello there..." He smiled softly, closed lip and filled with something I would call adoration at my words. The sight made me lift my arms to wrap around his waist.

He stood up straighter, pushing off the wall. His hands came up and held my head softly on either cheek. We stayed like that just staring at each other before he leaned down and gave me a single kiss. It was short and perfect, conveying that same adoration in his eyes as before.

"So before..." I asked, looking away from him coyly. He only chuckled, his chest shaking me as I held him.

"No regrets here. You?" He gave me another kiss, pulling me slowly in the direction of the small bedroom.

"Only that we only had time for one round..." The smirk on my face perfectly conveyed what I was going for. He only laughed.

"Oh I think we can manage a few more rounds, maybe 5 or 6. After the party that is."

All I did was lean into him, putting all my weight against him as he stopped walking. He took the opportunity to move his arms, his hands gripping my thighs before he pulled me up and against his body. To steady myself, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his hips.

"This doesn't seem like you want to make me wait that long..."He didn't say anything, instead taking the moment to toe his vans off in the middle of the hallway before turning and continuing to the small bedroom area,

"Oh I've waited 5 years. Another short nap and some time with our friends to celebrate won't end the world, D." I wanted to huff and be needy, but the second I saw the bed I realized just how tired I really was.

Daniel noticed it too, I practically moaned at the sight as he carried me up the stairs. He didn't say anything, only moving to sit on the bed first with me in his lap before quickly laying us both down. Our legs tangled together as he pulled the comforter over us both.

"Do you really want to sleep in your jeans?" I asked him as he settled in next to me.

"Well I'm not taking my pants off for someone to find us like that. At least this way we can say we fell asleep talking like we normally do." He pulled me flush against the front of his body, using my left arm that was under his neck as a pillow.

"Well this surely isn't friend behavior, Daniel..." he said nothing, closing his eyes and pretending to be asleep.

As tired as I was, Daniel was the one that fell asleep first. He pulled me as close as he possibly could, our noses touching as we laid under the sheets of my motorhome here in Austria. Today was a dream. Between Daniel and winning a race, I wasn't even sure where today fell in my life though. I had drunkenly admitted to accepting offers for next year, that meant that it was only a matter of time before the other teams came banging on my door. No part of me would be shocked if that was literal, being ballsy enough to enter the Red Bull hospitality area just to try and get a moment to speak with me. I'd see no peace until I fucked up so bad they wanted nothing to do with me or I quit racing. Which was still an option.

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