• Chapter Three: Friendships •

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• Felix's Point of View •

As Allegra rambles on, I simply just glance at Dupain-Cheng. Her hair is in two lower pigtails with red ribbons intertwined in them. The red ribbons are certainly unique, and dare I say quite cute. I notice after a few seconds that she starts fiddling with a loose hair strand that dangles on the right side of her cheek. She appears to be nervous. What for though?

"Please, come inside. I must introduce you to your other two dorm mates." Allegra steps aside, as do I.

Dupain-Cheng walks lightly on her feet through the door. I step outside, but for a moment I'm hesitant. Perhaps I should stay. Afterall, I must establish a few rules with this young woman. It'll also give me a chance to see what we'll be dealing with in the near future.

Allegra quickly looks my way before continuing on with Dupain-Cheng. "Are you alright Felix? I thought you were heading out on an errand?"

"That can wait, as I have time later to complete my errands. I think I might stay a little longer, just to see how things turn out here." I step back into the dormitory and gently close the door.

"Ah, alright than." She gently rests her hand on Dupain-Cheng's shoulder, noticing she was a bit nervous as well. "No need to be nervous Marinette. Our friends Claude and Allen are very friendly. I must warn you about Claude though."

"Why's that?"

Allegra let's out a light chuckle. "You'll see what I mean soon enough."

Dupain-Cheng and Allegra walk into the center of the dormitory. It's a small area with a couple couches and a small, circular wooden table in the middle. I quietly follow the two of them in the center of the room.

Marinette's Point of View •

Allegra walks beside me as we venture to the center of the dorm. As I glance around the room, I notice two other guys sitting on the couch to the left of the dorm. The one to the left has messy, umber brown hair with a medium beige skin tone. The other on the right, leaning against the couch cushions, has very short, wooden brown hair with more of a warm tan skin tone.

"Claude. Allen. Meet Marinette. She's our new dorm mate." Allegra smiles.

The young man with the messy hair jumps up in excitement. "Hey there Marinette! Welcome to the dorm! My name is Claude. The one beside me is Allen!" He was beaming with joy.

"Nice to meet you Marinette. As Claude said, I'm Allen. I'm a pretty chill person. So if you ever just wanna relax and listen to music, I'm your guy." Allen smiles.

"It's so good to meet you two. I hope we can become great friends." I also am now smiling. This dorm seems to be very joyful, besides Felix. I haven't seen him smile at all since I've arrived. I wonder if something is bothering him.

Claude walks over and opens his arms. "Of course! We'll be amazing friends in fact! To start this friendship off, why not we do a group hug?"

Felix holds the bridge of his nose in a annoyed matter of gesture. "How ridiculous."

I giggle a bit. "I'm up for a hug!"

Claude hugs me. Soon enough, Allen and Allegra join in on the hug too. I can't help but smile. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy myself here.

End of Chapter •

Note from Author

If you don't fully understand the colors I described when talking about Claude and Allen, you are more than welcome to look them up on your search engine. I wanted to be more descriptive with colors this time around.

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