• Chapter One: The Dormitory •

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• Third Person Point of View •

It was a sunny, yet cloudless, Sunday morning. The birds were chirping, and little children were running along the sidewalks. These little bundles of joy all appeared to be friends. The children were playing a game of freeze tag, what a wonderful yet painful game to play. Two little boys ran as the one tried to tag the other. All of a sudden, the little lad in the front ran full force into a soft, tall figure. The boy fell on his bottom right onto the rough surface of the sidewalk.

"Joey!" the little boy who was running after him yelped. "Hey Joey? Are you okay?" the boy asked.

"Mmmph..." the young lad was a bit dizzy and couldn't make out any real words. He looked above to see what he had run into. As he squinted his little eyes, a soft, round face appeared.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay little boy?" the soft figure asked. The figure held out their hand to help the boy up. The boy had taken the hand and got back up on his feet. He could see clearly now that it had been a young woman he had run into.

"I'm sorry Miss. I didn't mean to run into you!" the boy said. The woman looked at him and gently patted his head.

"Do not worry about it little one. No need to apologize. I must say though, you are a very polite young man." She looked at the two young boys. "Now how about you two run along and continue to play with your friends?" The two boys glanced at each other and gave a small, mischievous smirk. They ran after one another once again in the opposite direction of the young woman.

The woman grinned as she watched the little children play their games. It reminded her of the friends she once had growing up as a young child. As she was lost in thought, a voice interrupted her.

"Marinette!" A young woman with flowing blonde hair had yelled for her as she awaited in the front of the local college campus.

"Hm?" She glanced up at the woman with blonde hair who was just a few feet away from her. "Oh, hey Chloe." she said with a smile.

"You had me waiting here forever Marinette. It's so utterly ridiculous! What took you so long?" Chloe exclaimed.

"I'm sorry Chloe! I had a few things to finish up at the cafe and I guess I lost track of the time."

"Well don't be late again. You know I don't like waiting!"

"Hehe, sorry Chloe. I won't be late again." Marinette claimed.

"Whatever. Now follow me as we go inside. I don't want you getting lost. As I'm sure you know already, I'll be showing you to your dormitory. Or you can just say dorm. Whatever suits you best." Chloe quickly walks inside the building as Marinette quietly follows.

The two ladies lightly trodd through the hallways as they make their way to the stairs. It seems to be quite spacious inside the building which is very nice considering there are many students who attend the college. They make it onto the second floor and start passing by a countless amount of dormitories. Chloe abruptly stops in front of a particular dormitory. She turns to Marinette.

"This will be your dormitory. I made sure that you'll be rooming with a couple of people I know, so that I know you'll be in good hands."

"Thank you for doing this for me Chloe. It means more to me than you'll ever know." Marinette smiles and gives Chloe a gentle hug.

"Yeah yeah, it's the least I can do." She returns the hug and gives a small smile. The two ladies part after a few seconds. "I trust you'll be okay meeting them on your own?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Then I shall leave you here. Tell everyone inside I said hello. I really ought' to get going if I want to make it to Adrien's photoshoot."

"Goodluck with the photoshoot Chloe." Marinette gave her friend a thumbs up. "Break a leg!"

Chloe gave a light chuckle and quietly departed. Marinette stood quietly in front of the dormitory. She took a long, slow deep breath.

"You got this Marinette. Just be yourself." Marinette smiled.

End of Chapter One •

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