He hold both of my hand in his one hand and undressed me completely.... As he started to rub my back my shoulder with his hand.......

Namjoon: did he touch you here???? I am going to rid of his touch from your body..... I am the only one who can touch you.... You can only bear my touch..... No one else my angel queen....

He said as he again started to rub her body with his hand as the water is touching her skin

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He said as he again started to rub her body with his hand as the water is touching her skin...... She is trying to stop him but this just angered him more......

Aria: leave me..... Leave me..... I don't want anyone touch..... You are all evil .... I don't want your touch..... Leave me......

She said as he hold her more closer to him as he is also undressed and both are now in the water.... And he hold her more tightly........

He kissed her in her lips trying to show his dominance over her

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He kissed her in her lips trying to show his dominance over her..... She is struggling to get out but the more she struggle the more deeper the kiss became..... As she couldn't hold any longer of this assault, she bite his lips making him Yelp in pain as he left her as his lips are bleeding....... He chuckled seeing this..... He hold her both of his hands as she tried to get away from him.....

Namjoon: I like this boldness of yours angel queen..... You are so perfect to be my queen...... You know, father give me permission to marry you.... You are going to mine forever..... You can't escape anyone..... Struck with me in hell.......

Hearing his words, she froze.... Eventually the tear flowed through her eyes...... She pushed herself away from her......

Aria: No...... I won't be..... I want to go to my mother...... I won't marry you.... I would rather die than marrying you.....

She screammed loudly at him as she tried to stay  strong but everything is falling apart..... She won't give up.... No matter what happen she wouldn't be marrying him.... If It  meant to kill her..... She will.... But she won't bow down to devil..... Hearing that, he started to laugh manicly........ He came towards her as she turned around trying to get away from him but he hold her tightly and push her behind him and bite her neck as a loud scream can be heard........ Making her neck completely bleeding, as she became weak...... He turned her around and hold her chin tightly making her look in his eyes......

Namjoon: oh.... You would rather die than marrying me... But you think you can ran even after dieing..... I did a spell of being forever with you.... Your body, your soul everything is mine..... If you die, I will trap your soul.... If you born in another timeline I will always be with you like a shadow......And there's no way of getting rid of me.... My dark Obsession for you is too much that even angel will fear to come near you......so, accept your fate.... And be my obedient wife..... Be my queen and live with me till eternity......

He said as he found her passed out in his arm and he took her in his arms and get up and lay her down and cover her naked body and then he dressed himself up and took her in his arms......He smelled her neck as he is finally in peace.... Jimin's smell is finally get rid of her body...... as, namjoon leave with her but he didn't  notice someone is here listening their talk...... He is oddly quiet since all of this...... He has much bigger plan than this... All of his brother after her..... She is special.... A angel who uproar his and his brother cold heart...... A melicious boxy smile is plastered in his lips......

Taehyung: yeah... Hyung marry her but in night, she will be in my arms and you won't be able to do anything about it......

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To be continued


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Guys... I miss you a lot..... I am so occupied with my studies that I don't get enough time.... Sorry.....

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Love you guys......

Devils Dark Obsession //BTS Fanfiction// (21+) ✅✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt