Chapter 13

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Draco sighed as he continued to pick up broken glass from the plate he dropped after yelling at Hermione. He was angry before she came in because of the conversation he had with Scorpius. 


Draco set Scorpius's Beauty and Beast plate down in front of him before handing him his fork.

"Do you like Miss. Granger?" Scorpius asked as Draco finishes pouring apple juice in Scorpius's cup.


"Do you like her like you liked Mommy?" He asked. Draco freeze as he was putting the juice back into the fridge.

"I like Hermione like you like Albus." 

"Why do grown-ups lie?" he asked. Draco put the juice down before closing the door and turning to him.

"I'm not lying"

"Yes you are Daddy, you like her and she likes you." He said.

"Scorpius, Miss. Granger and I are just friends."


"Watch it, little boy!!"

"I want Miss. Granger to be my mummy!!" 

"Scorpius, stop it!!"

"I hate you!!" he said shocking Draco. Scorpius jumped off the chair and ran out of the room.

Flashback Ends

He not only pissed off his son but the woman who could see right through him. What she said was true, he did push people away to protect himself, he may be friendly but he kept everyone at arms length. That was all until Hermione Granger walked into his life again, she was the only person besides Astoria who could look at him and see past his facade and see the man who truly wanted to be loved. He wanted to be loved but he wasn't sure he was ready to open up again. If he went there with Hermione, there was a chance that he could lose her whether it was to a psycho stalker or childbirth. 

He couldn't take that chance, he cared about her too much to do that to her, so why did his heart hurt so much? Scorpius said that he liked her more than just a friend and he knew that but what he said about him wanting Hermione to be his mother made him realize maybe they were too close to her. He should summon Potter to have someone stay with her so he can take his son and move on. 

A loud pop in the living room made the alarm go of making Draco pull out his wand and move quickly into the living room. He pointed his wand at the intruder as he entered the living room to find Blaise with his hands over his ears. Draco sighed as he turned off the alarm just as Hermione came down with Scorpius in her arms.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Blaise?" Draco asked.

"I heard about what happened from Potter and knew you would take her here." Blaise said after lowering his arms.

"You should have stayed away then." he said. "Did you tell anyone where you were going?" 

"I didn't tell anyone, I'm not stupid." he said before he tossed a purse at him. Draco caught it with his free hand making something that sounded really big move inside. Draco looked at him in confusion but Blaise just pointed at Hermione. 

"Is that my handbag?" She asked.

"Yeah, Potter gave it to me and I used it to put somethings you guys would need into like more of Scorpius's clothes, Draco's clothes, food and other supplies." He said.

"Thanks" Draco said.

"Scorpius is hungry so I'm going to warm up his food." Hermione said coldly before putting Scorpius down. 

"Run upstairs and I'll bring your food to you."

"Okay" Scorpius said before heading back upstairs. Hermione head downstairs and passed the two wizards without even a glance. 

"What did you do to piss her off?" Blaise asked.

"Not really" he said before he set the purse on the coffee table. He went to the front door and opened it and walked out, he was going to double the wards or that's what he told himself, he really just needed to get some fresh air. He reinforced the wards in silence until he had done the whole house and ended up in the backyard. He went over to the porch chair and sat down before looking up at the bright sky, he always loved it here, loved the secluded feeling that the woods gave him. 

A body sat down in a chair next to him before something cold touched the back of his hand, he looked over to see it was a glass of what looked like fire whiskey. He took it with a thanks before taking a sip of it before he set it in his cupholder.

"I talked to your assistant and told her to push all cases onto your other partners, told them that you had a family emergency and would be gone for a while." he said.


"I also talked to Granger's boss and told him what had happened, he feels bad and told me that if she wanted, she could take her vacation time. Apparently, she has about a month in vacation time that she had been saving."

"That prick could have prevented this by firing the psycho and reporting him to the proper authorities." Draco said.

"Yeah, he should" Blaise said taking a sip of his drink. "Draco Malfoy, over the many years I have known you I have never seen such stupidity in you."

"What are talking about?" He asked.

"Don't play dumb, it's beneath you."


"No, you are going to listen to me before you hurt her and your son even more." He said before standing and moving the chair so it was in front of Draco. He sat down before giving Draco his most serious look.

"What happened to Astoria wasn't your fault." Blaise said.

"Blaise, don't"

"Shut up and listen to me" he said. "Astoria knew that having Scorpius would probably kill her but she wanted to have a child so that when she did die that you wouldn't be alone."

"I know"

"What you don't is that she sent me a letter a few days before she died." he said before pulling out a letter from his suit pocket.

"I was going to give you this when I thought you were ready, but I know now that you need a push." he said before giving him the letter.

"You deserve to be happy, you just have to let someone in." Blaise said before he disapparated. Draco stared at the letter for a minute till with trembling hands he opened the letter.

Dear Blaise,

I am writing you to ask you a favor, it's about Draco and what happens when I die. Draco seems to think that I might have a chance to make it out of this pregnancy with my life, I am in no illusion that I will, I grow weaker and weaker by the day. 

When I die, Draco will most definitely shut everyone out, you must not let that happen, you must push your way in a force him to live again after six months of morning. He may not like it but I need you to make him live whether it is by going out of the house and going to parties or by going on a date. 

I want Draco to get a second chance at love because he deserves it. You know what he has been through and you know what he's like, it won't be easy for you but I know that if anyone can get that stubborn man to do anything it's you.

 Take care of him and my son please.

Sincerely, Astoria

Draco set the letter down on his lap before wiping tears from his eyes. His wife knew just how stubborn he was and knew that he would need help. Blaise did what Astoria had asked and made sure that he went out and lived, just not the way she wanted. He pushed people away when they got to close, maybe everyone was right, maybe it was time to let his guard down and accept that he does have feelings for a woman who drives him insane.

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