Chapter 5

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As they drove to Sal's, Hermione though about what happened with Ron and how she had reacted.


After Draco went to say goodbye to his son, Ron turned his fury onto his sister.

"Why did you invite the Death Eater!!" 

"Ronald Billus Weasley!!" Luna said appalled.

"He is not the same guy we knew from Hogwarts." Hermione said.

"You shouldn't be hanging out with him or his Death Eater son." 

"How dare you!!" Hermione said with such fury in her voice. "Scorpius is not a Death Eater, he's a sweet boy."

"I forbid you from seeing Malfoy again." Ron said like he had just won the argument which pissed Hermione off more. 

Flashback Ends

Hermione was still angry but as she got further and further away from Harry and Ginny's house she was becoming less and less angry.

"How's your hand?" He asked breaking the silence between them. They hadn't said a word to each other since they got into her car, both lost in their own thoughts.

"It's fine" she said.

"You really don't like being told what to do." He chuckled making Hermione smile.

"I don't like people who forbid me from seeing someone." 

"I will keep that in mind." He said as they pulled into Sal's parking lot. They got out and head inside where they were seated in a booth.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have a Dr. Pepper" Hermione said.

"Coffee please" Malfoy said making the waiter nod before leaving.

"So Mal-" she said but was interrupted before she could finish.

"Draco, you can call me Draco if you would like." 

"Okay...Draco, I was wondering why you never told Scorpius that you were in Slytherin?"

 "Because being in Slytherin was all that great and I would rather him not know that his father stood with people who were prejudice against Muggle-borns, Muggles or Half-Bloods." Draco said.

"What counts right now is that you are no longer like that."

"My past still haunts me."

"My mum told me once that you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep living in the past. Your past is just a story and once you realize that it no longer has power over you." She said.

"Easier said than done" he said as the waiter came back with their drinks.

"You guys ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"What is the chef's special?" Hermione responded.

"Bacon cheeseburgers with a side of french fries."

"Two orders of that please" 

"Okay" the waiter said as she wrote their order down. The waiter left making Hermione turn to see Draco smirking.


"Do you always order for people or am I just lucky?" He asked.

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy"

"Back to Malfoy now, I must have hit a nerve."

"Don't make me do to you what I did to Ron." She threatened.

"If my memory is correct, you already did that but with your hand in a fist."

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