Chapter 12

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Hermione was woken up by something rough brushing up against her arm, she opened her eyes to see Scorpius asleep next to her. She smiled and reached over to push a strand of hair out of his face, she was totally falling for this little boy. She leaned over and kissed his head before carefully getting out of the bed. She went into her bathroom to use the loo then washed her hands and left the room. Scorpius was awake and sitting up, rubbing his eyes with his uninjured hand before looking around for her.

"Good morning" she said. He looked at her and gave her a small smile.

"How is your arm?" She asked making him shrug. Her gaze softened as she moved towards the bed, she was carefully of her nightgown as she put her knee down on the bed and pulled herself up on the bed so that she was sitting on her legs. 

"You okay?" she asked.

"I had a bad dream."

"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.

"A bad guy came and hurt you and daddy." he said. The look on his cute little face made her want to wrap him up in her arms and never let him go. 

"Sweetheart, no one is going to hurt me or your daddy." 


"I can't promise that something won't happen, but I can promise that I will always be here for you." She said. Scorpius surprised her when he crawled over to her straddled her lap and hugged her.

"I like you a lot. Miss. Granger" he said making Hermione smile and hugged him back.

"I like you too, Scorpius" A knock on the door made them both jump but they relaxed when they heard Draco's voice. 

"If you two are done in there, can you please send Scorpius out because it's time for breakfast."

"She's mine now Daddy" Scorpius said surprising her.

"We have talked about this bud, women aren't objects." Draco said.

"I am not an object, but I agree with Scorpius."

"Granger, you are not helping the situation."  

"Who said I have to be helpful?" 

"Don't make me come in there." 

"I knew you always want to see me in my nightgown, you dirty old man." She teased making Scorpius giggle.

"Dirty old man!!" Draco said outraged. "I am not a dirty old man and right now, all I want to see is my son out of your room and heading downstairs for breakfast. And on that matter, why is he in your room?" he asked. Hermione looked down at Scorpius who just hugged her tighter, she moved to the edge of the bed with him still in his arms before going over to the door and open it. Draco stood there in a wife beater and sweatpants, it showed off his lean arm muscles. It was definitely something she would love to feel wrapped- no, she was not going there.

"He snuck in my bed while I was sleeping after having a nightmare about a bad guy hurting us. I told him that no one was going to hurt us." She said. Draco gaze softened before he reached out to take his son, Scorpius wasn't having it and tightened his arms that were wrapped around her neck.

"Scorpius, let go" Draco said trying to get his son off her.

"No, I want to stay with Miss. Granger!!" he said.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, you let go this instant!!" Draco said.

"No!!" he yelled.

"Scorpius, I need to take a shower and I can't do that with you holding on to me." She said.

"I don't want you too." he said making her chuckle.

"Sweetheart, I promise that once I am done taking a shower and getting dressed then I will spend the day with you." she said pulling back from her a little.


"Yes" she said before he let his father take him. She swore that she saw Draco checking her out in her silk nightgown, but she brushed it off and closed the door.

After she took a shower and got dressed in dark blue jeans and white shirt, she left her room and headed downstairs to get some breakfast. As she entered the kitchen, she got the feeling that something had happened before she had arrived. Scorpius was nowhere to be found and Draco was at the sink washing dishes and his whole body looked tense.

"Everything okay?" She asked moving to the island where a plate sat waiting for her. It had a warming charm on it since it still felt like it had just been made even though it hadn't.

"Yeah. everything is fine" he said curtly.

"Are you sure cause-" she said before being interrupted by Draco dropping a plate in the sink.

"Damnit Granger, stay out of it!!" He yelled.

"Don't yell at me!!" Hermione said. She was not going to let him talk to her like that.

"What is wrong with you?" she asked. "Someone who cares about you is trying to help you and you yell at them because you can't let anyone in. You push them away so they can't see the real you, that's no way to live Draco and one day it will affect your son." She said grabbing her plate and fork to eat somewhere else.

"And what about you?" he asked with anger in his eyes.

"I'm not the one who is yelling at someone who is just trying to help." she said.

"You are guarded too" he said surprising her.

"I was guarded...that was before I met your son...and then when I met you again and my anger for what was done to me went away little by little...because of your son. I thought to myself, how can such a sweet little boy be from a family that supported such an evil monster, but then I got to know him and you and I realized that you are different from your parents." she said. "The more I got to know you guys the more I knew you changed, why the bloody hell do you think I would hang out with you if I wasn't positive that you had changed?" 


"I care about you Draco, your son cares about you, your friends care about and one day you'll stop pushing them away and knock down those walls around your heart." she said before turning around and walking out. 

Please tell me what you think. It will help me out

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