Chapter 4

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Draco was so happy that today was Saturday but on the other hand he was nervous about Albus Potter's birthday party at the Potter's house. Last night after the paint and water fight at Granger's house, Granger told him that Mrs. Potter invited them to their son's birthday party. He wasn't going to lie and say he wasn't totally nervous about seeing Potter and Weasley again after ten years. He had no clue if they still hated him, they can hate him all they wanted but if they turn their hate towards his son, they were in for a very bad day. The only ally he had was Granger, the woman he swore to stay away from was the same person who said not to worry about Potter and Weasley. It gave him some piece of mind that they would mind their manners but he was still nervous about it.

Draco finished wrapping Albus's present as Scorpius came into the living room fully dressed and hair done, ready to go. Draco looked him over, very thankful that the paint came out of their hair. After grabbing the present and the paper with the Potter's address, they left the house and got in the car. The whole drive was filled with talk about how Granger made great peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and how he loved her playground. By the time they arrived Draco was so happy that they could stop talking about Granger.

Draco got out of the car before going around the car to help Scorpius out. Scorpius, who had the gift, gave it to Draco before they made their way to the front door. Draco knocked on it before looking at his son who looked like he was going to jump up and down from excitement over seeing his best friend. When the door opened Draco looked up to see Ginny Weasley standing there.

"Been a long time, Malfoy" She said.

"It has" he said before she let them in. Draco looked around the comfy room as Scorpius spotted Albus outside in the backyard and took off. Draco felt really awkward standing in a room owned by his former enemy and his wife, who from what he could recall hated his guts after what his father did to her in second year.

"Thank you for inviting us" he said breaking the awkward silence.

"No problem, Albus would have been devastated if Scorpius wasn't invited." 

"Scorpius would have been as well." He said. 

"Where do you want this?" He asked holding up the present.

"I'll take it, you can join everyone outside while we wait for lunch." She said before turning and leaving the room. Draco walked over to the screen door and opened it to see the golden trio and Weasley's wife sitting around the patio table taking about something Draco didn't get.

"Good evening" he said after clearing his throat. They all looked up at him which set Weasley off, he stood and glared at him.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Ronald, sit down " Hermione said but was ignored.

"My son is best friends with your nephew"

"Doesn't explain why you are here" Weasley snarled.

"That's enough Ronald" Hermione said annoyed. "Malfoy was invited too so sit down and shut up"

"I will not have him around my kids!!" Weasley said. Draco decided he had enough and decided to just leave and pick up Scorpius later.

"I should just go" he said before turning to see Weaslette looking furious. "I will pick Scorpius up in a few hours"

"Malfoy, you are staying, my stupid brother can leave if he is going to act this way to my guest." She said.

"It's fine, I was stupid to think the past can stay in the past." He said before walking over to Scorpius and Albus who were running around the Potter's playground.

"Hey bud, I'm going to go but I will pick you up when the party is done."

"Okay" Scorpius said.

"Give me a hug first" Draco said. Scorpius quickly gave his father a hug before joining Albus who was climbing the stairs of the playground. Draco turned around just in time to see Granger slap Weasley.

"YOU DON'T GET TO TELL ME WHO I CAN AND CAN'T HANG OUT WITH!!" She yelled before storming over to Draco grabbing his hand and pulling him to the back door. She pulled him inside the house and towards the front door till they were outside again.

"I am so sorry that he treated you like that." She said.

"I deserved it, I was a prat to you guys and I knew it."

"It's not okay, no one deserves to be treated like that."

"Well at least one person thinks that."

"Actually there's two people, Ginny and I" she said. They stood in silence for a second before she asked. "Do you want to get out of here?"

"Where too?" He responded.

"I am starving so how about we got to one of my favorite places to eat?"

"Okay, do you want to take my car or yours?" He asked.

"Let's take mine" she said. Neither made a move till Draco spoke up.

"Not to say that I am not enjoying you holding my hand but can I have it back." He asked making her blush and let his hand go. She turned and walked towards her car as Draco smiled. He like that he could make her blush.

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