Season 2 - Part 1

Start from the beginning

She says before she began sweeping up the deck before being tasked to getting rid of the chomping barnacles that have gotten onto the ship.

Venom creates black tendrils to lower Luz down, the two hissing at the barnacles to shut them up before forming a black scrapers for hands to get the barnacles off.

They were then tasked to shovel coal into the firebox, only for Luz to use her fire glyphs, giving the ship an extra boost, making it sail faster than it did before.

All of Luz's hard work had gained the respect of the captain and the crew and after some time, the captain was looking through his telescope.

Captain Salty: We're here. The Simmering Shoals. Eyes peeled, mates.

He said as they sailed near a half sunken burning ship.

Captain Salty: She's close.

He says before a large tail fin emerges from the water and hits the ship, making everyone fall to the floor.

Luz: She's here!

She called out as the creature circled the ship with the crew members throwing spears at it.

The Selkidomus then jumps out of the water, ejecting spikes towards the ship which knocked one crew member's head off, though he simply puts it back on.

Luz takes out her ice glyphs, launching them towards the creature.

The third glyph had created a wall of ice, which the Selkidomus bumps it's head to, roaring at the crew.

Luz then goes into her superhero form, the black suit coming out as she launches black tendrils towards the creature.

The Selkidomus was restrained as Luz struggled to pull, so Venom took control as they got into their monster form.

But even Venom's full strength wasn't enough as the crew quickly came in to help as they pulled in the Selkidomus together.

Luz used plant glyphs to create vines, tying them to the ship and securing the creature.

Luz: We did it!

She cried out before the firebox suddenly exploded.

This distraction gave the Selkidomus the opportunity to break free from the vines and escape into the water.

Luz then looked towards the smoke to see a figure grabbing the coin bag and jumping off the ship.

Captain Salty: What was that? A ghost pirate?

Luz: It took the money! We're being robbed!

Venom: Get back here with our pay!

They yelled before running to the edge of the boat to see the thief getting away in some kind of motorboat.

Venom then jumps off, sprouting black wings from her back as she goes after the thief, though said thief has a huge head start.

They eventually followed the thief to a nearby island.

Venom: You're mine!

The symbiote yells before tackling the thief to the ground only for her and Luz to gasp.

Luz: Eda?!

Venom: Carnage?!

Carnage: Ah, crud.

Eda: Hey guys.

Luz: Eda, what the heck are you doing robbing our ship for?!

Venom: You got a lot of explaining to do, young lady!

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