Chapter Twenty Three

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Ronin looked at him as he did indeed get the message but ignored it. "Hey... uh, about this whole situation. I can see it's really weighing you and your teammates down and-"

"I don't care what you have to say. If you came here to help me and get over it then you're wrong." Lloyd snapped.

Ronin stared at him and huffed. "Myeah, You're right, I don't know what it's like. As a lone...... person." He said as he tried to find the proper word for himself. "I don't know what it's like. But I do know something. The fire one means alot to ya. He's the older brother in your life and now it's hard because he isn't here with you to help you through this." He said as he waited for an answer.

But Lloyd said nothing as he continued staring away, refusing to look at him and ignore his words.

Ronin watched him before noticing the boy's hands slightly shaken and grip at the wood of the gunwale. He was clearly troubled. No... scared.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. You probably have been getting this alot from everyone else. But... we will get him back." He said gently as he looked at the boy again.


Lowering his gaze, he turned away and sighed. "Are you scared about Morro? Or are you scared to fail and lose?" He asked before noticing how Lloyd's hands stiffened at those last words. So that was it.
"Listen..., you're a strong kid. Believe me or not but... you have been able to push through anything. Like... how many times have you saved ninjago and never lost? You stopped a giant dark dragon and united all of ninjago and the elemental masters together to protect it. I say that's pretty impressive. I can't think of any other special, brave, kind, and stubborn brat that could've done it better." He said as he folded his arm and glanced over at the other. "Everyone has faith in ya that you are going to succeed in this. Because they'll be right with you every step of the way." He said in a soft tone. "And you need them and they got you. So.... how about you cut your worries and have some faith, huh?" He told him sincerely.

Lloyd stared at him before turning his head with a warm smile on his face and spoke. "Thank you. I-"

"Thank Skylor, not me." He said as he interrupted the boy before he could finish. "I kinda owe her for pretty much harming her boyfriend like that." He said, referring to the fog accident. "That and kinda setting things off with your teammates with the whole stop worrying about Kai thing. I see you aren't ready for that kinda step yet. Where you'll need to make sacrifices. But I see from looking at the earth one that maybe you're starting. But I see now, even when bad things happen to you. You always get back up to your feet and find a way through it. All of you. Because how do you put it again? Ninja never quit?" He asked as he thought about it before looking back at the other. "Have you ever asked yourself why you never quite?" He asked before looking at Lloyd. "I know Nya is still trying to figure that question out." He said, recalling all those times she gave up after her failed attempts with trying to control water from the start. "But I also see it in you team. You never quite on each other when one of you is in danger. And you're friends, they never quite on you when you were in danger and so... they aren't gonna quite on you to get Kai back. So... make sure you don't quite on them."

Lloyd stared at him before looking out and into the sky and the field of clouds below them.

Patting the teenager's shoulder, Ronin gave him a small reassuring smile before turning his gaze, his expression faded as he walked away, heading back and towards the inside the bounty. H

Ronin continued walking giving a huff as that was quite too exhausting from his liking.
He walked towards, heading inside before meeting with a certain elemental master who was standing by the door.

"So? Did I do well? Is my debt paid off?" Ronin asked in a quiet tone as he looked to the master of amber as she leaned against the door frame.

Skylor looked at him and gave him a proud smile. "Mhm, I'm glad you haven't lost it." She said as she looked at the other.

Ronin looked at her and huffed with a smile and turned away, looking back to Lloyd. "You think so huh? Guess I pulled it off like how I did all those years ago with a certain little girl." He said before looking back at her.

She looked at him and just smiled. Watching him walk past her and look back to Lloyd one last time before following the other inside.

Lloyd stood there as he thought about what Ronin had said. 'Ninja never quit.' But do those words mean the same for him? Being the green ninja? Could his life have been different if he was just another ninja instead of the destined green ninja? He wasn't sure... he stayed up there before feeling a strong strength of hope rise inside him.
He was going to get Kai back. And he wasn't going to stop.

After some time, the blonde teen finally turned as he made his way back inside the Destiny Bounty, where he would wait for daylight.

Vengeful Fire (Possessed Kai ninjago fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ