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"Home sweet home." Tony says as we enter the tower.

I nod in agreement, taking in a deep breath. It's good to be back. It feels like forever since I've been here even though it's only been two weeks.

"We'll give you some space." Steve says, giving my shoulder a gentle pat.


I drop my bag by the entrance of my room, slowly taking everything in. It hasn't changed one bit, and still, something feels different.

The city is calm and peaceful down below, the sun sinking in the horizon.

"Knock, knock." Clint says. "Just wanted to let you know that dinner's ready."

"Thanks Clint, I'll be down in a bit."

Sitting on my bed, I let out a sigh and lay down, my eyes growing heavy soon after that.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*


I wake up with a start, tears running down my cheeks as I sit up, my heart pounding on my chest.

I try to stop the tears but they keep coming, like an unending, ever flowing waterfall.

What was that? I've never seen anything like it.

Eventually, my breathing returns to a regular pace and I'm able to stop the waterworks.

Looking around, I throw the covers to the side as I rush out the door, quickly scanning the kitchen and common room.

The day is as bright as can be outside the wide glass window, not a cloud or danger on sight.

When I finally spot them, relief floods through me.

It was just a dream. I think to myself, chuckling dryly as I place my hand on my chest.

Smiling to myself, I make my way to the kitchen and give Tony a back hug as he pours himself some coffee.

"Hey kiddo, you alright?" Tony asks.

I nod against his shoulder and he gently pats my back.

"What's going on?" Natasha asks, but I can only manage to shake my head as I also wrap my arms around her, shutting my eyes tight.

"It's just good to be back." I say.

When I break apart from Natasha, I make eye contact with Steve, whose sky blue eyes look at me with concern.

"You sure you're alright kid?" Tony asks again, but I can't really look at them without thinking of it.

"Talk to us kiddo."

If I start talking, I might break down in front of them.

When that doesn't work, Tony tries a different approach. "Sweetheart? If you have something on your mind..."

"It's nothing." I insist, managing to put on my best smile.

"Good. Because it kind of sounded like you were ready to say goodbye."

I swallow the lump in my throat at that.

"No. Not at all."

At least not yet.

Running away is tempting, but it won't make anything go away. It won't keep them safer and it won't change what happened.

"You hungry?" Natasha asks, changing the subject. "You didn't have dinner last night so you must be starving."

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