[43] ???

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     The next time I open my eyes, (I don't know how long it's been. A few hours? Half a day? A whole day?), I wake up to most of the team gone, except for Clint and Natasha, who are having a silent conversation in sign language.

Raising a brow, I slowly approach them.

"Where is everyone?" I ask, Clint and Natasha turning around in surprise.

"Oh hey, you're up." Clint says.

They exchange a glance.

"Yeah. Where's everyone?"

"They went back to the tower to get some things." Natasha simply answers. But something about her tone is off.

I can tell that there is something they're not telling me.

"They should be back soon." She adds.

"How long are we staying here?"

"Probably a few more days. Just until we are sure it's safe to go back."

I nod.

I'll go along with it for now.

"How are you feeling?"

"I have a huge headache, but other than that I'm fine."

I feel much better now. After a good amount of rest days, I've gained some of my strength back, and I am finally able to move around freely.


Her next question takes me by surprise.

"Did they..."

"No." I say with a quick shake of my head, taking her hand. "They didn't do anything to me."


"Do you know what they were after?"


She raises a brow and makes a face when I say that, asking for elaboration.

"They kept asking about the twins and the winter soldier, but something tells me they were after something else."

"Like what?"

"They were trying to get something from me."

"I mean, if they wanted information, I'm sure they have ways of getting it. It just felt like that was their cover up for something else."

"Do you remember anything? Anything that can help us?"

"Not really. Most of my concentration was on not accidentally opening a portal and revealing myself."

"But why would they go after you?"

"Wait...do you have access to SHIELD'S list of people of interest?"

Natasha's eyes widen before she pulls out her computer, muttering something in Russian under her breath.

Just as I suspected, my name is on the list for potential candidates for the team. And Hydra has access to said list. However, it doesn't say anything about the portals.

But being on the list is enough reason to take someone and see if they can use them for their own gain. Especially since Hydra is known to conduct illegal experimentation to enhance humans.

Without another word, Natasha gets up and leaves the room, letting me fall into my thoughts as I stare at the screen.

When the team comes back, they are all surprised to see me.

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