Chapter One - How You Meet

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It was a long flight from (home state) to Boston. All you wanted to do was to get your rental car and get to your Airbnb. Doing this trip was something new for you. Of course, you have been on trips before, but it has always somewhere that included visiting friends. You wanted to do this as a break for yourself and away from your teaching life. Therefore, you planned a trip a few days after Christmas by randomly picking a suburb of Boston, Sudbury.
The next day you decided to find a local coffee. (Being a teacher, you would consume more coffee than what should be allowed.) After ordering your coffee, your phone beeped. You picked up your coffee and headed out the door checking your phone. You clearly weren't paying attention to the person walking towards you.

"Wow the sky is very blue today. Wait... how did I ended up down here."
"Are you ok down there?"
Looking up, you see a pair of brilliant blue looking at you
" Here let me help you up. I'm Chris by the way." He gave you his hand and you put out yours for the help.
" Thanks... I'm.. owww". As you stood up, your ankle was throbbing. " oh no.... I think I twisted my ankle!"

With a worry look in Chris's eyes he said, "Oh great this my fault. If I was watching where I was going this would have never happen. I'm going to take you to the doctors. I'm not gonna take no for an answer"
Looking at him you could tell he was genuinely concerned.

" I can't let you do that, Chris. It really isn't your fault. I should have been looking where I was going. Besides, how do I know you want kidnap me?" you said with one raised eyebrow. You never clearly got a look at his face because of his ball cap being pulled down over his eyes.

Chris swiftly picked you up giving a better look to his face. "Look, I want to help you. The office is just down the road. I'll give you my wallet and phone if that makes you feel better. "
Looking very intently in his face you realized who he is. With a hushed tone not trying to dry attention to the two of you,
"Now that I can see your face, I know who are." As you looked at his face there was a slight red tint to his cheeks. You grasped a little tighter as he shifted your weight in his arms.

"Well, now you know who I am and that I am not known as a creeper. May I take you to the doctors? By the way so we aren't completely strangers, what's your name?"

As if on que your ankle started throbbing reminding you why you were in his arms. " oh it's (y/n). Well..." before you even finished, Chris started walking down the street with you in his arms.

"Ok, now we have the names out of the way. I'm going to take you to the doctors and then to lunch."

Staring at him with a blank expression you started to open your mouth in opposition only to close it. "What's the use" you thought. "I can't exactly go anywhere with him carrying me... wait, Chris Evans is carrying me. CHRIS EVANS IS CARRYING ME!" As you were deep in your thoughts, Chris had walked in the doctors office and signed you in.

"Ok, (y/n), I'm going to stay with so I can make sure you are ok and then we go to lunch," he said with a grin. After about a twenty minutes of polite chitchat, the doctor comes, in takes an x-ray, and tells you have a sprain.

" Miss (y/l/n), you need to stay off you ankle as much as possible. I know your from out of town. So when you get back home make a check up with your doctor." You thanked the doctor and took your crutches to head out. Chris insisted on paying whatever the insurance didn't cover.

Chris told to stay put and he would get his car to take you to lunch. As you waited for him to come, you mind started to wonder... " some vacation.. I go and hurt myself. Great, wait till everyone back home finds out. Only you could hurt yourself on vacation. There has been a upside to this... Chris Evans"

As you were still in your thoughts, Chris pulled up in his car and helped you in.
"So what do you like to eat?"
" I'm not picky, I love trying new things. But you really don't have to do this. You can take me back to my room. You already have done so much for me."

"No, I'm taking you out to lunch. Let me show you around a little bit. Well at least from the car anyways." He said with a slight grin. You turned to glare at him but you only started laughing because of the face he was making.
He turned into his favorite pizza place and helped you out of the car.  While eating he started asking you more questions.

"So I know where you are from and you are here on vacation but what made you choose here instead of Boston?"

" Well you are going to find this funny. I wanted to go somewhere out of the ordinary. So I got a map out spun myself around like pin the tail on the donkey and stuck a pin here." You took a big sip of your drinking noticing Chris was trying not to laugh. "It's ok you can laugh it's pretty funny way of picking a place to go." You said with a grin. At this he let a hearty laugh while throwing his head back. " I'm glad I can be the source of your amusement!" You said while laughing.

You both finished your meals  while chitchatting and Chris again helped you to his car. He turn the car on and the radio came on with a winter weather warning. You quickly looked at your phone to see the radar and it didn't look good. Chris craned his necked to look at the screen.

"Oh that doesn't look good at all." You could tell he was deep in thought. Chris turned to you with a concerning look and said, " I know this might sound a little crazy but here me out. Who knows how bad this storm is going to be and I would hate it if the power would go out on you and you were alone. How about you come and stay with me? I have an extra room and I promise I'm decent company. We technically are strangers any more. Whatada say?"

You stare at him with wide eyes.

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