[React] Returning the favor

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"You seem to have enjoyed the hotspring Young Master." TCF Ron put down the lemon tea in front of TCF Cale who's busy drying his hair with a towel.

TCF Cale frown.

"I would've enjoy it if Soo Hyuk hyung did not dunked me in the hotspring. Not only that, the others join in too and two Toonka jump in the hotspring like it was a pool."

TCF Cale could feel his nerves twitching. TCF Ron smiled at him. If TCF Cale looked at him that time he would have shivered in fear.

Next morning...

"My my. You guys are so energetic in the morning. By the way Cale." The white fox called looking at TCF Cale who's spread like a hawk in one of the sofa at the common area.


"The kids will be here in a moment."

TCF Cale sigh in relief.

"Since everyone had already eaten breakfast. Let's begin."


They were transported at the theater room and the video is already playing.

Of course, he planned giving them their new hope anonymously. It was something he had learned from the dragon.

"Huh? Is this cut?" TBOAH Cale asked. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion hearing TCF Cale's thought.

"Yes. It is when he saw Taylor Stan and the priestess of God of Death at the Puzzle City." The white fox answered making itself comfortable at Lee Soo Hyuk's lap.

TCF Taylor and TCF Cage looked at each other. TBOAH Cage looked at the two before drinking a bottle of alcohol.

Lee Soo Hyuk who's been used at the fox habit, stroke its white soft fur.

‘Unless their lord has nothing to do and reveals me to them, there is no way that they will recognize me.’

It was impossible for them to learn of his identity. How great was that? He should have done everything anonymously until now. Cale stepped into the ruins feeling like a massive weight had been lifted off his chest.

"Cale-nim always wanted to work on the shadows but always make himself known." TCF Choi Han mumbled which earn a laugh to those who heard him. TCF Cale threw him a look.

He could see people praying all around the area.

At that moment, Hans stealthily approached Cale and whispered to him.

“I just saw the eldest son of Marquis Stan’s household.”
“…How do you know about that person?”

Cale was truly surprised. Hans smiled before pointing to his eyes.

“Pretty much any and all information about the nobles is in my head. I could see a man being pushed on a wheelchair. It was weird that there was only one person with him, but I was able to see that there was a red snake crest on the wheelchair.”
“Yes, sir.”
“You’re better than you look.”
“Thank you?”

"I thank you again for your compliment Young Master" TCF Hans said.

TCF Cale ignored him and continue watching.

Hans shrugged his shoulders with a satisfied expression as he finished his report. He then asked Cale.

“What do you plan on doing?”

Cale could feel the left side of his face heating up, and looked in that direction. Choi Han was looking at him. Cale shook his head and answered both of them.

We're Kidnapped Just To React?! (TCF Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now