~ Part 3 ~

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Dragon ~ Part 3

Words: 1354

PJ, Chris and Phil looked frightened and bowed low in respect as he, plus two other leaders and five warriors, showed up. 

"WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?" James bellowed, standing in front of me protectively. 

"Forgive us, we have travelled far to be here. I am PJ and this is Phil and Chris - three Dragon Shifters. We came for the meeting but got sidetracked." PJ spoke up confidently.

"Dad, what's going on?" I asked in confusion. PJ, Chris and Phil's heads snapped up in surprise. 

"DAD?!" They all exclaimed, looking terrified of James. 

"HOW DARE YOU HARM A COUNCIL MEMBER? YOU WISH TO BE WELCOMED BY HURTING OUR MEMBERS?" James growled, looking ready to murder someone. I had never seen him so worked up. 

"James, calm down I'm fine. What is all this?" I asked, frowning.

"Dan, stay out of this. They don't belong here! Now go home!" He said sternly.

"NO! I want to know what's happening! They're Dragon Shifters, they're just like me-"

"THEY ARE NOT LIKE YOU! You will not be getting involved with THEM!" James shouted. 

"I CAN DO WHAT I BLOODY WELL WANT, I'M TWENTY NOT A KID!" I shouted. "Tell me what's going on, I am a member of council and have a right to know." I scowled. James let out a frustrated groan and walked away from me, steaming with anger. Another leader, a woman called Jenny, walked over to me. 

"James just doesn't want you to get hurt. There's been some things going on in the Dragon shifting community. It has recently become dangerous and he doesn't want you to be found out or you could be killed. That's why we kept the information from you." She explained.

"Hey! It's not our fault people found out about us! You were supposed to make sure our information didn't leak!" Chris growled in his defence.

"WHAT WAS THAT BOY?" James growled in fury. Chris stood his ground but  fear flashed in his eyes.

"James not now. They aren't an enemy ... just bad luck." The last leader - Sam, said. He looked at Chris, PJ and Phil in disapproval. Phil put his hand on Chris' shoulder and I saw him visibly relax instantly. A weird jealousy went through me. Were they together? How did he calm him with a touch? Chris calmed down immediately.

"I apologize for getting angry leaders." Chris bowed his head.

"That's fine Christopher. You three will come back to the hall with us." Jenny announced.

"WHAT!?" James exclaimed.

"Shut up James! We've protected Daniel for a long time, no harm will come to him. He needs to learn the truth. He can take care of himself fine." Jenny stated sternly. James glared at her but didn't argue, storming off.

"Dan, you coming?" He asked angrily.

"I'll catch you back at the house. Talk later." I replied. He nodded and disappeared. 

"Right you three, with us. Dan, are you staying out or coming with us?" Jenny asked. I loved how the council members looked out for me, they were like a family. I suppose Jenny was more like a mother figure and put James in his place when he went out of line.

"I'll tag along, I had a good flight." I explained.

"Okay honey." She grinned and pecked my forehead. She turned and signalled for the warriors and Sam to turn back. Chris, PJ and Phil followed as well. Two warriors - Jessica and Becky, ran towards me. They were sort of my friends, we didn't hang out but we did talk sometimes during training or out on the battle field.

Dragon || Phan, Kickthestickz [DISCONTINUED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora