Chapter 10 | King Of New York

Start from the beginning

"A porcelain tub with boilin' water," Spot adds on.

Kid Blink gets up on the table. "A Saturday night with the mayor's daughter!" His eyes flash at Mush. Mush just playfully hits Blink's shoe. They both know he would never want a night with the mayor's daughter. Kid Blink doubles over on the table as they both succumb to laughter.

Meanwhile, Race gets up on another table, raising the paper high above his head. "Look at me! I'm the king of New York!" He does a little tap dance and spins around. "Suddenly! I'm respectable, starin' right atcha, lousy with stature!" He's got a wide grin on his face.

Jack takes the paper from him. "Nobbin' with all the muckety mucks, I'm flowin' my dough and goin' deluxe." He leans back on a different table.

Race jumps down from his table and snatches the paper back. "And there I be!" He points at himself. "Ain't I pretty?"

Spot nods.

Then, realizing what he did, he blushes and looks away. Hopefully no one saw that.

But it's true. He does think that Race is pretty.

"It's my city," Jack says.

"I'm the king of New York," Jack and Race finish together.

More people want a closer look at the paper. It's way too many hands at once, though.

"Don't rip it! I SAID DON'T RIP IT!-"

"A corduroy suit with fitted knickers," Boots adds on to the growing fantasy.

"A mezzanine seat to see the flickers," Les says beside him.

"Havana cigars that cost a quarter," Snipeshooter adds with a grin.

Then there's David. Kind, selfless David. "An editor's desk for the star reporter!" David, who looks up Denton.

Denton does deserve an editor's desk, though. And more.

"Tip your hat!" they all shout. They gesture at Denton. "He's the king of New York!"

"How 'bout that?" Denton smiles. "I'm the king of New York!"

"In nothing flat," the newsies continue confidently, "He'll be coverin' Brooklyn to Trenton, our man Denton!"

Kid Blink gets back up on the table, hands above his head. "Makin' the headlines out of a hunch!" He jumps back down.

"Protecting the weak," Denton adds.

"And payin' for lunch," Race throws in.

"When I'm at bat," Denton continues, "strong men crumble!"

"Proud yet humble!" Race chimes in again.

"I'm/He's the king of New York.

More people get on tables now.

"I gotta be either dead or dreamin'..." they murmur. "'Cause look at that pape with my face beamin'. Tomorrow they may wrap fishes in it, but I was a star for one whole minute!"

They all jump down at once.

Spot, Dutchy, and Skittery all narrowly miss a ceiling fan.

Of course, there are those who stay on the tables and do a little more happy tap dancing.

Kid Blink grins watching Mush, who has a huge smile on his face. He's amazing. I love him.

Who needs the mayor's daughter? Mush is mine.

Mush smiles back at Blink.

Still, everyone has a celebration to finish.

"Starting now, I'm the king of New York!" they all shout.

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