Chapter 4 | A Healthy Relationship

Start from the beginning

Somehow Jack and Sarah manage to chuckle a little at it. And then, then, Jack gains more awareness, and apologizes. "Sorry. I'm talkin' too much, ain't I?"

For a couple moments, no one says anything. At least they aren't kicking him out.

"Sarah," David's father says finally, "how about you get the cake your mother is hiding in the cupboard?"

"That's for your birthday tomorrow!" she scolds him, smiling.

"I've had enough birthdays," he responds, also smiling. "This calls for a celebration!"

All of them get up and start moving around the kitchen.

Jack watches them, small smile on his face. The way they work together, the way they talk and smile ... it's a perfect family. Maybe they themselves aren't perfect. No one is. But their relations are. It's a healthy family. There's a small ache in Jack's heart. If only he had a family like this.

This calls for a celebration! Echoes in David's head. It's getting him hopeful.

"This is only the beginning, Papa!" David says enthusiastically. "We'll work more, and we'll make more money, and-"

"This is only until I get my job back," his father reminds him gently. "Then you go back to school like you promised."

David falters, a little disappointed. Still, he nods and doesn't talk back. He did promise.

They distribute the cake around the table.

And wow, is this the best thing that Jack has ever tasted.

"Come back my lovey, dovey baby..."

They all freeze, setting down their utensils. Jack and David swivel around.

It's Les, singing in his sleep, smile on his face. "And coochy coo with me..."

David and Jack exchange glances, and then start laughing.

"Boys? What is this?" David's mother asks curiously.

David is too embarassed to respond. Jack just sits back, thoroughly amused.

And so dinner goes on.

Later, Jack and David are outside, standing on the balcony, leaning against the railing, smiling at each other.

Today has been a roller coaster. But David is liking how it's ending. And maybe the future will get better.

They make conversation about how his father got hurt, and how that means Les and David have to work until he gets better.

There are a few moments of comfortable silence, before Jack murmurs, "It's been two years now, hasn't it?"

David's heart drops. So now they're going to talk about it. "Yeah. Two years since this June."

"I didn't realize it had been that long."

"Yeah, me too."

David turns away slightly. 

"I know you don't believe me, and I don't blame ya, but I am sorry," Jack murmurs softly. "I want things to be different. I want things to get better between us."

David doesn't say anything. He wants to believe those words, but there's still just a hint of doubt that's still stopping him.

"How do I make it up to you?" Jack asks genuinely. "How do I show you that I mean it?"

David faces Jack again. Even in the darkness, he can still make out Jack's face. A face he would never forget, even if they were separated for twenty years instead of two. He stares into Jack's eyes, eyes that show ... longing. And just the slightest bit of hope, hope that they get on good terms again. Jack wants them to be on good terms again.

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