[Act 3 Chapter 4] Resurgence

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After the invasion of Earth, the Japanese Prime Minister is now live.

Japan Prime Minister: People of Japan, an unprovoked attack on Tokyo is a uncivilized declaration of war. The enemy's pro-war faction broke the Treaty of Cologne, we will strike and end this once and for all.

As he is talking through his speech GDI forces are mobilizing at the gate using the new Andean Tanks, Titan MK IVs and Apex IFVs.


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One of the newest weapon systems in the GDI arsenal is the Andean Tank, using wide tracks to move across planetary surfaces, it is the perfect tank for engaging enemies. Armed with high velocity armor plating, this tank multiple before getting destroyed. It was used at the end of the GDI-Empire War and the War against the Villains.

 It was used at the end of the GDI-Empire War and the War against the Villains

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The M-16 Apex IFV is the replacement for the Guardian APCs, armed with an Auto Cannon it can take infantry with ease, it has a troop capacity of 10 soldier per APC, excluding the crew.


Eri: Just promise me you will be ok?

Deku: Of course, Eri-chan.

GDI Sergeant: Commander, it's time to go.

Deku: Ok.

Flashback Ends..

Deku is now in a GDIMC Thunderbird as he received a message from the Italican Commander. 

RIAF Commander: Commander Midoriya, we were holding a key bridge leading to Italica, unfortunately Imperial forces manage to get around the defensive positions.

They then arrived to the outskirts to see Italica burning to the ground. Deku very very angry.

The Thunderbird gets close to ground. 

Deku: Remember, Zorzal is mine. [Drops down.]

He joins up with the GDI Forces among with Class-1a.

The two armies are staring each other down, and then multiple fire arrows are heading towards the GDI Army. Fortunately, the Firestorm Shield Generator blocked the incoming fire arrows.

They decided to fire back at the enemy using HEAT shells from their tanks.

And then Imperial Army charges at the GDI Forces.

Deku: Open fire!

GDI Soldier: Open fire!

GDI Sergeant: Open fire!

Then a hail of bullets swept through the Imperial Ranks, Zone Legionaries and Sentinels then counter charge, clashing with the Imperial Forces.

Bakugo: Heh, lets do this!

Bakugo: Ultimate Move: Tsar Bomba

Bakugo: Ultimate Move: Tsar Bomba

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A large mushroom cloud is seen in a large portion of the battlefield destroy 92% of the enemy army.

Deku then stabs Imperial in the chest with their own sword, he then see Zorzal.

Deku: [Grabs a Zone Legionnaire Sword] It's just you and me asshole!


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