1 Where Fate Is at Play

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Author's Note: It's time for aro week again and thus, also time for me to make last year's aro novel public. "Like a Feather Tickling My Heart" is an adorable fantasy story about a dragon and a phoenix getting married right after meeting (?) and having to sort out their life as a couple. I'll do a few additional chapters throughout aro week and then update once a week on Saturdays. I hope you will like the story! 😊


Zhu Hong stared at the path leading up the mountain, his expression solemn. Around him, the others were cheering, yelling for him to finally start and ascend. Finally, somebody patted him on the back. "It's really time to go now. It might take a while until you find the right one after all and as soon as it turns dark ..."

Zhu Hong turned to the side and nodded at Elder Bi. "I will do my best."

The other just laughed and patted his back again. "What doing your best? Just keep your eyes and heart open. When you see the right one, you will know it. So don't worry too much, child."

Zhu Hong nodded, turned back to the front, and then started to walk up the mountain, his gaze already starting to rove over the grass to both sides of the path. Nothing could be seen yet though. It was just the lush grass billowing in the wind. He gave a hum and walked on, his gaze still roving from side to side and looking up ahead every now and then. He couldn't miss it. If he did, this would really turn into a disaster.

Finally, there was the faint glimmer of sunlight on a smooth surface. Zhu Hong raised his brows and then walked over, looking down at the egg that was lying in the grass. It was about the size of an adult's head. Compared to the dragon eggs that were usually dull, this one was of a bright green color but it lacked the patterns that were quite common in the eggs of the phoenix race.

Zhu Hong stared at it, trying to figure out if there was something special he felt. Unfortunately, there was nothing of the like. He shook his head at himself, turned away, and continued up the mountain. In any case, he should not have expected to find the one he could bond with immediately. That would be a little too easy.

The wind grew stronger the further he walked upward. In the time spent following the path, the sun was also climbing toward the zenith, becoming much warmer than it had been originally. The eggs got easier to spot between the blades of grass and in the small nests that had been put on the rough stone but no matter where he looked, Zhu Hong could not find one that elicited any reaction from him.

Slowly, his vermilion brows furrowed. This was the ceremony to find his life partner. But it all relied on him actually finding an egg that resonated with him. Now, it seemed that this was much more difficult than he had expected. Well, he hadn't even made one full round yet. He shouldn't worry.

Zhu Hong took a deep breath to calm himself and then marched on. He had reached about halfway up the mountain. From here on out, the path was winding around the mountaintop, letting him look at every single piece of land here. Somewhere, there had to be an egg that he could bond with.

The sun finally reached the zenith and then tilted toward the other side. At the foot of the mountain, the dragons couldn't help but become a little worried. Often enough, the young dragons wouldn't have to venture far up into the mountain before they actually found their egg. It was rare that one of them would take this long. But, well, there was still time. Before the sun went down, it was still likely for him to return. Afterward, when it became impossible to see the eggs in the darkness, he would have to give up and return.

It was a disgrace to any dragon if it happened though. And Zhu Hong ... he had always been a promising youngster. Elder Bi had taught him everything he knew himself and had always bragged about how far he would be able to go in the future. Now, the Elder was sweating profusely at the thought of this young fledgling not being able to actually find a partner.

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