My Best Friend's Brother Ch. 47

Start from the beginning

I drum my fingers on the table as I wait for him to come back. It's that girl again, the blonde one with te blue eyes, who's serving him. I remember one time, she flirted with Charlie and thought I was his girlfriend. I mean it didn't help that it was Valentine's day. It was funny at the time, but now it seems ironic. It's so weird now, I--

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello?" I say, adjusting the phone on my ear.

"Elouise Maree Walton!" Cindy yells from the other line.

"Really, Cinderella? We've talked about this-I don't want to be deaf," I scold, slightly moving the phone away from my ear. I can hear her guffawing.

"Well, I'm calling to inform you that I got your message. Yes, I can help you decide your outfit for your date tonight. Yes, I shall see you at your house in a few hours. Yes, you are welcome."

I giggle at how formal she sounded. "Okey dokey, Cinderella," I say, laughing still. "Would you like me to buy you a doughnut for later?"

"Yes," she sings, "the one with the chocolate in the middle."

I snort. "You don't even know where we are."

"Puh-lease. This afternoon simply calls for one of your ultra-lazy lazy days," Cindy states matter-of-factly. "I bet my bottom dollar you're at Café Luisiana."

I don't say anything in response.

"C'mon, Eli. I dare you, tell me otherwise."

I snort. It seems like that's the only witty non-witty thing I can do. "Whatever."

Charlie arrives with the tray of deliciousness and it beckons me to hang up on my hyperactive best friend. Unfortunately, she hasn't quite finished. "And, can you back up a bit? I swear you said 'we'. You're not alone?"

"I believe the term 'we' is classified as a plural pronoun, so yes. Yes, I am not alone."

Charlie raises a brow at me. I shake it off, rolling my eyes.

"Don't get all Sheldon Cooper with me, Eli," she says. "Who are you with anywa--"

"Sorry, gotta go, bye!" I rush the words out, then I hung up on her. Some things just have to remain confidential.

When I finally put my phone down, I reach for my drink and take a slow sip. Charlie clears his throat, effectively grabbing my attention. He smiles a little, tilting his head like a curious puppy. He does that a lot. "Don't ask," I say, not bothering to wait for him to speak.

He raises his hands in surrender. "I was just gonna comment on your froth mustache, but you know, never mind."

I punch his arm, even though we both know it's not gonna cause that much of a damage. Charlie tries to pretend that it hurts and the sweetness of it all makes me smile. Somewhere, between the laughter and him pinching my cheek, I feel that warmth again. I wonder why it's there.


Funny how things work out. It kind of makes me think of that "he loves me, he loves me not" crap that I used to have so much faith in. Whatever result I got from that, I either manipulated to get my desired result, or I just made it work; albeit I always felt incomplete and unsatisfied. This time around, I didn't cheat, no manipulation whatsoever. Somehow, Operation Channy is a definite go; Drew and I are technically "dating"; and I'm...writing it this down as a form of documentation. That just has "weird" written all over it, doesn't it?

Sometimes I wonder if I wished for it too much and now that it's here, I've changed. Two months and already it feels like an eternity ago. I want other things now. It used to be so clear before. It's like swimming in a dirty puddle now; everything's hazy and I can't find a way out. I know people say that greys have so much more to offer than black and white; but the whole black and white perspective is so much better than grey. Greys have too many complications, too much to hide, black and white is easier. I want that right now, clear and easy. I guess I can agree with "be careful what you wish for" because hell, I really wasn't when I was wishing for it.

My Best Friend's Brother // Young Love Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now