I walked out of the sleeping chambers and headed to the control panel where I saw Zane and Garmadon doing their own things. Zane was trying to steer the ship and get any research on the Jewellery while Garmadon had scrolls laid out on the table trying to decipher as many as he could.

"Glad to see you are up Kai" Zane greets me.

"Yeah I thought we were almost there so I just woke up." I sat down next to Garmadon to see what he was reading.

"Hey sensei Garmadon. What's all this?"

"I was looking in more detail about the Jewellery of Dragon. It says if a person with dragon blood wears it, it will enhance their dragon blood and more abilities of good. Hopefully this will give us enough time to let Lloyds partling powers balance out in time."

"Hopefully we get him back soon. I just-" I couldn't continue talking. I felt tears coming down my face thinking about Lloyd. I'm not like this. I usually keep my cool but now I'm a breakdown mess. I need him in my life, he gives colour to my world; he makes me enjoy life in a way no one can. Garmadon saw me cry and side hugged me.

"I know it's ok to cry, Kai. Let it out, don't bottle this up." I start bawling my eyes out and breakdown. I can't lose him. I can't. But Garmadon expressions tell me we aren't. I slowly think about the positives of Lloyd coming back. I could have him here, safe. I stopped crying to see Garmadon still comforting me.

"Thanks Garmadon. I don't know why I'm acting like this. It's just losing Lloyd has just tore me apart in many ways then I thought."

"I know it seems like that. I've experienced that a lot." He said with a small laugh at the end. " but you need to be strong for him. Lloyd wouldn't want him to worry about him right away. He would want you to still be strong."

"I'll try Garmadon, thank you."

"You can call me dad Kai. You earn my respect for you dating my son."

I smile at him proud. If I could get Lloyds dad to accept and respect me, then I need to save him.

The moment quickly ended as we heard Zane on the intercom report, l We have made it to Mount Nidmro. Please get your weapons and snow attire equipped while we depart.''

"I guess that's our cue to get ready." Sensei commented.

"Yeah I guess we should." I walk to the weapons closet to see the four golden weapons sitting there.

I saw Zane walk in and asked, " why do we have the golden weapons here?"

He responded, "It's to open the tomb. But hopefully we don't have to fully use it."

I stare at the sword of fire. I had great mementoes with this thing. Before elements and a simple time. I grabbed it off the stand and started to wear my snow jacket, pants, and boots.

I walked to the deck and looked at the mountain. Jeez this thing is bigger than I expected. The snow on the top looks like you can easily fall down to the bottom. I waited for the others to come by while they kept talking about a game all three of them played.

"Who knew Nya could beat us bad at smash?"

"Don't underestimate me Cole, I got 1000 hours on smash."

"Nya out of love, what the absolute hell?!? "

They walked towards me and brought me into their conversation.

"Did you sleep well sleeping beauty?" Jay joked.

"Yeah I did." I lied, rubbing the back of my neck.

Garmadon walks out to the deck with his attire and lays out the plan.

"So we are going to go in and out in that place. I need you all to work on getting the jewellery so we can get out of here and figure out our next step."

We nodded our hands and all of us made our way out to the freezing mountain.

"Kai, can you form a fire please?" Jay begged me. Damn he has the puppy eyes and all. I formed the fire to shut them up and figured out how to get the entrance on the top.

"We finally made it, thank gosh." Cole exclaimed.

The entrance of this temple was a small hole but knowing the first spinjitzu master, there must be something more than just this. Zane was trying to calculate how safe the hole was for us to go in.

"I can't get a safe estimate for this one." He stated.

Jay was kneeling on the snow trying to throw some down to see how deep it was. After his fifth attempt, the snow became unstable which resulted in him and Zane falling into the hole.

We all panicked trying to figure out how to get them out.

"Are you guys ok?" I yelled into the hole.

"It's safe, don't worry."

"What are we waiting for?" And without any other word sensei Garmadon jumped into the hole. We all slid down the hole to see the extravagant entrance. Pillars were chiseled to perfection showing the first spinjitzu story on how he used the jewellery. The inside of the mountain showed the Jewellery in the middle of the room.

I commented, "This place is so unreal."

The whole place was breathtaking.

"Let's go guys. The quicker we get it, the sooner we can warm up in the bounty." Cole said

We all took a few steps and passed over the line. All of us expect Garmadon. Golden bars went up, not allowing him to continue on. I walk to him to see if he's ok.

"Don't worry about me Kai. Go with the others."

I nodded my head and jogged to the others as we were going to the jewellery.

"This place is so cool." Jay yelled out through the big temple. The walls shook causing rubble to come down.

"Can you please keep your volume down blabbermouth. Not even the temple can stand your voice" Cole said.

I looked around to see the temple being very unstable. Our best bet was to take the jewel and leave. I walked up to the center of the room to see a place to put our weapons.

"Guys put your weapons in here."

We each put our weapons in their spot and saw the jewel shine bright. It looked so pretty. Once the jewellery stopped glowing, Zane grabbed it.

"At least there are no booby traps." Jay whispered. Suddenly the walls of the temple started to collapse and the floor was cracking.

"Why did you have to say that now Jay?" Nya scolded as we all sprinted out of the temple. We ran to Garmadon who was trying to not get crushed by the rocks.

"I always forgot that my father did like booby traps." He joked.

"Let me add that note next time we go to the first spinjitzu masters temples." Zane said. We laughed a bit until I pointed out light leading to the outside. We ran as fast as we could to the light to be greeted to the mountain by an avalanche. We skid our way to the bounty in one piece.

"Zane, do you still have the jewel?"

He whips it out and says, " Yes it's safe. Also the golden weapons are still safe."

"Excellent. Now we need to prepare for this war. As of now we don't know when Asphare will attack and going back there would be a death match for us. So we need to weaken Asphare's members to get a shot at getting Lloyd to wear the jewellery."

"So we have to wait?" I asked.

"I'm afraid so." He stated. So we have to just wait and let the oni consume Lloyd? I felt an unsettled feeling in my abdomen thinking of Lloyd going through so much pain right now. Is he really safe there? Hopefully we can get him back. I think we have the upper hand in this, right? 

The Beginning of the EndWhere stories live. Discover now