Twelve - Invitation.

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Blaise's POV
Hogwarts - November 1996

"You look beautiful," he kisses her forehead, then her lips. She smiles into the kiss. I love them, but I can't fucking stand them right now. I need air, but we are about to leave. Water. Freshwater. I close the door behind me, the cold water feels so damn good on my skin. I stare at the running water. It's so hard watching Gracie and Draco happy, while I am heartbroken and Luna doesn't want to talk to me. For three days she has been ignoring me, I feel empty, angry, just horrible. I am not mad at Draco or Gracie, they at least told me about Luna and Ginny's conversation and tried their best to comfort me, I am mad at the fucking Weasley girl. She is so bloody manipulative. I never liked her. I shut the water crane.
"Let's go, we will be late for potions," I say as I walk past them. I am so glad I don't have classes with Luna, otherwise, she would always remind me of my sadness.

"There you are," greets me Pansy, while I sit down next to her. Why is she here so early? She is usually always late. It's Tuesday, she always says how much she hates this day, how can she be here so early...and so dressed up?
"How are you?"
I chuckle sarcastically, "Obviously...terrible. And you?"
"Pretty good," she answers.
I take a deep breath, I really don't want this conversation to be about me, "Not heartbroken anymore?"
She shakes her head, "I keep ignoring Hermione, she tried to apologize, but there is no way I am going back to her." Pansy is confident about that. I believe she won't be able to stay away from Hermione. She was so out of line that night, well maybe it was also because of Daphne and Theo, but I really don't care. She just said to me that the situation overwhelmed her and she needed distance from both of them, but now, since Daphne and Theo agreed to be just friends, she is totally fine. I think she was just dramatic like she was multiple times in the past, but who cares?

"Are you coming?" I ask Pansy. The class is over, Snape is putting away everything and everyone else is already leaving, but not Pansy, she sits there staring at her notes.
"Oh, I just have a small question. You can go to your next class, I'll be fine." That is weird, but I have no reason to care.
"Okay, see you!"

Daphne's POV

"You have any plans for tonight?" whispers Theo in my ear. I shake my head.
"Come to the party with me."
I almost choke on my lunch, "As your date?"
He smirks, "As my secret date." Sounds fun. After I agreed, Draco and Blaise joined us for lunch. "Are you coming to the party?" asks Theo Draco.
"Yeah, Gracie and I planned to come. Blaise, are you coming?" He nods. It's been a week now, he starts to feel better, which makes me happy.
"What about Pansy?"
"She said she had detention," I answer Blaise's question.
He looks at me puzzled, "Again? She already had detention on Wednesday, that's why she couldn't go to the library with me." I shrug, she also never mentioned a reason why she had detention.
"Anyways, Quidditch practice is about to start in an hour," says Theo. Draco nods with a full mouth.
"I am going to change, I'll see you there." Blaise is also still eating. They both start to hurry. Theo greets Gracie, who walks towards us to sit with us, while he leaves.
"Hey." She sits down next to Draco and starts to eat too.
After a few minutes of silence, I ask her, "Do you know why Pansy has detention?"
Gracie shakes her head, "No idea. She is pretty often in detention, right?" Blaise and I nod. It's kinda suspicious. Or she just has a new lover and doesn't want us to know about them.

When everyone is finished eating, we make our way back to the common room. Draco and Gracie and holding hands, he kisses her on the head, whispers something in her hair that makes her laugh, she smiles up to him.
"They will marry," says Blaise next to me who observed them just like me, "or the break up will end in a war." He has a good point, I can just agree.

Gracie's POV

"Lavender, you know, the Gryffindor, and Ron started dating," mentions Daphne while we work on our homework.
"At least he hasn't a thing for me anymore," I laugh, I am really glad about that. We sit in the common room by the fire, I love our common room.
"Do you know what's going on with Pansy?" I ask.
She shakes her head, "No one knows, I guess. She acts weird, maybe she's going through something again. I mean we all know she isn't that mentality stable." We do all know that, we just don't know the reason. It all started at the beginning of the fourth year, after summer. She cried, didn't want to talk with us, and cried even more. She skipped lessons. She was "ill" multiple days. She just wasn't fine at all. I still believe something happened with her family during the summer break, because the next Christmas she wanted to spend with us and she did. Pansy and I spent Christmas with my parents. She never mentioned her parents. Around this Christmas, she told me liked girls and boys. I was never brave enough to ask her what happened with her parents.
"I am finished, what about you?" Daphne speaks up. "Oh, uh, yeah, let's get to the dorm."

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