'Who is the flower who bloomed on the sleeve? Simply dropped blue there.With a silvery vermillion moon, as if it melts colors flashily...'

"Shuuuu, look! It's so AWESOME!" Valt pointed out excitedly. His voice sounded a bit hoarse, not used to making a 'squeaky' sound after not being this excited for so long. Valt soon coughed a little, covering his mouth with his arm and slightly turning his face away. He then cleared his throat a lot. "...geez...it's been that long, huh..." Shu chuckled and nodded his head, moving closer and pulling Valt into a side hug.

He leans the side of his head on the other's shoulder, "Yes...far too long.

Suddenly, they heard voices calling out for Valt and to congratulate Shu. The boys pulled apart and looked behind him, seeing their friends and Valt's family running towards them. The smile that was on Valt's face quickly vanished as guilt and shame appeared in his body once again.

'Oh no, no, no! What if they hate me for what I've done? I made them so worried for so long-!' Valt then turned to his left and starts walking away just as quickly, panicking a little due to not knowing what to do. There is no way he could face them after everything. He may be back to the light but, there is still some darkness and internal struggle left in him.

Shu noticed Valt leaving and turned back to wave to everyone else, holding up three fingers to signal for them to wait three minutes. They saw his signal and nodded their heads in understanding. He then turned to where Valt went and followed him. When he finally caught up to Valt, he could see him on the ground with his head in his lap.

"Valt...you know that they won't blame you or be at angry at you, right?" Shu asked softly, sitting next to him. Valt took a moment before giving a shrug. Shu sighed and placed his hand gently on Valt's head, "If you're worried about if you're able to redeem yourself, don't. I'm sure you are, besides, you don't have to do this alone. You're not alone anymore Valt, let us in. Let us help you. Mourn all you want, let out any emotion bottled up inside you for months. But please, don't hate yourself and don't believe that we all don't care or love you anymore. Because we do love you, I love you." Valt went immediately still, not even a sound of breathing could be heard.

But then, the wall broke and the flood came pouring through. All Shu did was comb his fingers lovingly through his boyfriend's ear, encouraging him to embrace this release and let everything out.

'Let my voice roar beyond the night, tears blurs my vision, let it resonate! All the way to the scenery in the far distance, what do you want to play? Whom do you want to deliver it to? You don't have to know for sure. No matter how dark your emotion is, no matter how long you struggle, sing and reverberate!'

Valt soon started to apologize and explain how he just felt like a failure to Shu and everyone else by losing to Lui. He wanted to avenge Shu and beat that blader, but when he lost, that hope vanished. Soon, he let hate and the lust for power consume him. All he wanted was to become powerful enough so that if anyone he cares about loses a match, he could avenge them. They could rely on him to help them in times of trouble.

When he started to go on the dark path and start destroying beyblades, that is where he truly felt alone. That light in his life was completely gone.

'Being alone in a thousand nights, If we tie the same band. As it wins against the flashy colors, the scent of crimson spreads...'

Shu heart broke at his words.

But he knows that Valt doesn't have to despair, or else there is a chance he will become a different, more depressed version of Blue Eye. Valt has proven to Shu that when he is not happy, it's sometimes dangerous. You never know what he could say or do to you.

The Struggle is Real: Beyblade fanficWhere stories live. Discover now