Nightmare;Pass or Fail-Survival Test

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She was hiding the wounds and cuts she had on her hands and legs as she was training"I can be both the daylight sparrow and the night owl" she says and chuckles as she has a flashback________________________________________Flashback-Tatsu is playing guitar in the moonlight, sitting on her chair near the window because she was unable to sleep...It was already midnight, so she puts it in her case and goes to sleep...After 3 to 4 hours of peaceful sleep in the silvery moonlight, she suddenly woke up panting with tears in her eyes when she sees a nightmare...Everything was going on like a reel...She is laughing and playing with her sister, Sasuke and Itachi, her mom combing her sister's hair, and her sister combing the younger Tatsuo, Itachi killing Fyumi, Sasuke turning cold, Kakashi's conversation with Hiruzen about Akemi, her own younger self pulling the necklace, breaking it, and thrashing it on the floor, breaking the photo frame of Itachi, Sasuke, her and Fyumi's group picture, running away from the village, crying alone, for weeks and for months, seeing Amaya for the first time...Everything, seemed to be so real...She could not bear it on anymore...

She got the time 3:45...She can't sleep and watch that all happen again...She wanted to forget all of that...But she also knew that she can never forget them.... Never.... So, she decided to go the field, where they would be meeting after some hours... (5 a.m.)...She takes a shower, gets her clothes on...

Tatsuo's outfit (during whole OG Naruto)-

She is practising, with kunai throwing aims with a blindfold then Taijutsu with her practice dummy and dodging the weapons she threw blindfolded to herself with shadow clones

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She is practising, with kunai throwing aims with a blindfold then Taijutsu with her practice dummy and dodging the weapons she threw blindfolded to herself with shadow clones...Blood was dripping from her arms and legs and she was bandaging them after healing them...And then practicing again...and so, the cycle continued until the rest of her team showed up...

_______________________________________"Oh...okay. Well, you're a lot different that Sakura," said Naruto "So?" Tatsu asked narrow eyed"So, uh-I mean. You see. So, Sakura is a lot girly type and you're the opposite. You take your training seriously than Sasuke (he actually means training is more important for Tatsuo than Sasuke), or maybe you don't even take him seriously, you're funny, kind, skilful, cheery, beautiful and —""Are you done?" both Sasuke and Tatsu asked at the same moment was Sakura scoffed in anger"Yeah, why not" he laughed nervouslySakura was burning from inside as her image went down in front of Sasuke..."So, can I continue?" she retorted sarcastically to which they gave a weak smile...She was giving punches and punches, again and again, to practice her Taijutsu when suddenly after a few minutes, she faints while both the boys come rushing to her and look awkwardly at each other for a few seconds before shifting their attention to the brunette's wounds and cuts "Reina, oh god! So many bruises and cuts..." Naruto says as he takes his bandage out of his pouch and Sasuke starts helping too "Why are you always so reckless?" Sasuke said...They both carry her to a tree and let her rest there while Sakura was standing still and watching everything...________________________________________"So, you woke up...You good?" "Can't you control yourself? Why being so reckless?" "You need to learn to control your chakra better""It's just a test, not a war"She heard these words from Sasuke and Naruto as she realised that she was lying on the support of a tree beside Naruto, towards the left and, on the other side was Sasuke, relaxingly sat and they both sat beside her body while she was between them and Sakura was watching it jealously when she said "I am good...Please oblige to get a grip on both your emotions""So, simple answers to your previous questions- I am perfectly good, fine as ever...I didn't know you thought about someone else, so thank you for your concern, oh-so-great ducky" to which both Naruto and she cackled and Sasuke smiled blushing "And also, I was just a bit hungry, so, I just fainted like that...But I wasn't reckless" she said but got angry glares from both the boys when cackled up a but to say "I guess I was, at least this time, I guess, and I'm sorry for that. But yeah! Thank you for worrying about me, noodlehead chick...By the way, where's sensei?" she asks to which Naruto replies that he hasn't arrived yet..."She looks fine, but something's still weird here" Sasuke whispers to himself as he remembers something________________________________________She said "Sasuke...She needs help...Tatsu is lonely, that is why she's kind to others...She doesn't want you or anyone, to suffer like her...""She's suffering? Doesn't seem like...She was so funny and cheerful today...Just like nothing happened? Then why?" asks Sasuke coldly"That's it...She was alone all these years...They say the brightest smile, has the darkest secrets and the funniest people are the loneliest...Tortured by rogue ninjas, she left the village...She'd eat whatever she'd get and sleep wherever she felt safe...Her own loneliness was killing herself...She needs friends...She's trapped between her past and her feelings, she became an expert of dry tears in front of others...Save her" .... These were her last words before everything turned dark He saw a young Tatsuo crying, curled up in a dark corner, waiting someone would save her, but nobody came...Then he saw his own self, and the girls flirting with him. Then he saw Naruto sitting alone on his swing crying, when Shikamaru and Choji came to him, he seemed happy...Then he again saw himself, now his younger self was looking at Naruto and his eyes doing the same, they felt comforting each other, even without words, they both felt at ease...He again saw Tatsuo crying...Fyumi's words were ringing continuously while he saw all this and the nightmare continued before he woke up to see it was already 4:50 a.m.________________________________________It was daybreak, something about 10:30 a.m. but Kakashi sensei was not there... He came when Sakura and Naruto yelled "Hey! you're late"He gave a lame excuse about cats and paths when Tatsuo retorted "Guess what, it would be easier to fool cats than to us..." while Naruto and Sasuke smiled"So, this your test" he says as he explains the bell test to them when Sakura asked "Why three bells for four people?" to which the reply came "So that at least one of you fails..."And before sensei says start; Naruto gets his Kunai and rushes to Kakashi when he stops him in a second"Get ready and start" he says as the 4 students disappear________________________________________"Not even a single student passed under Kakashi!! Would they be able to do it??"________________________________________Naruto is in front of Kakashi sensei when he takes out a book while he easily dodges Naruto's attacks which shocks everyone"Don't let your enemy get behind you" Kakashi smirked as he got behind Naruto while the other three were watching Kakashi when he made some hand signs, Tatsu rushed to Naruto, grabbed him by the arm, and by the full force threw him afar and ran after him as Kakashi barely missed Naruto while both Sasuke and Sakura sighed...Tatsu is chasing Naruto and becomes the cushion for him when he fell down, so that he's not hurt...He fell down on her and she embraced him tightly, so that nothing happens to him"You idiot? That jutsu could make you never get up again. You should be careful. Why were you so reckless? Who's gonna be the next Hokage if you're all beaten by a single jutsu" she was continuously blabbering about how he could have gotten hurt while Naruto was looking at her worried face, blushing... "I'm fine" he said when she replied... "Stay here. I have a plan" as she ran out of the placeTatsu used shadow clone jutsu with substitution jutsu and some Taijutsu against Kakashi and when she was just to take the bell while she was to punch him, Kakashi used both his hands to hold her body and pushed her through his legs and she fell down, something liquid coming out of her left hand...She unties the bandages and then she sees that the bandage was soaked with blood as blood was flowing from her sore knuckles..."Tatsu, are you fine!?" asked Naruto as he rushed to her while Sasuke and Sakura were still hiding"Uh! Yes, I am fine" she said while she was getting up but she fell again..."you don't look fine...go get some rest Tatsuo...We can conduct the test later for you" says Kakashi"Its fine sensei...I'll just rebandage... I'm a medic nin, after all...I know I'm special but I don't need special treatment, at least not from a closet pervert like you..." she said as she winked to Naruto when she vanished taking Naruto with her into thin air...________________________________________Scene: Sasuke is in the trees, Sakura in the bushes...Tatsu and Naruto are hiding together while Tatsu said "We can't get him alone...We have to attack him together...You willing to work with me? As a team? We saw we were unable to defeat him alone""I'm going to be Hokage, how can I take help from others" "But Hokage also have advisors and right-hand men, Naru... I'll give you my Ichiraku ramen coupon, Naru? Naruto was blushing deep red at her sudden new nickname but he calmed himself as he said "I'm in... But I don't think that Sasuke is gonna work with us...He's just too arrogant...""Hmmmm.That's the issue...If we convince Sasuke, Sakura would surely help.... Let's get to him, but secretly" she smiled as the both went to find Sasuke and slumped their head in disbelief as they saw Sasuke was inside the ground and just after a while Sakura comes there find Sasuke as living dead, she fainted again while Naruto and Tatsuo facepalmed... "You good?" she asks Sasuke while pulling him up. To which he didn't reply. She again tried sarcastically "Hey, Duck-Butt, you fine or what?""Fine..." he mumbled when Naruto giggled "I want you to work with us, Sasuke, as a team" she was sounding serious "We can't get the bells alone...We need to work together...Please co-operate...""You'll just drag me down loser" hissed Sasuke"Like you were able to do it alone" Naruto replied sarcastically"But Sasuke kun was a lot better than anybody" squealed Sakura"Ugh...This team sucks" groans Tatsuo but she tightens her voice as she says "We're working together, that's final""You have a plan?" asks Sakura from behind "Yes. Naruto, you can combine your shadow clone and transformation jutsu, right?" she asked "Yep." "So, create three clones to disguise them as us three...Then create more shadow clones of yours, but remember to keep a clone of yours with the fake team.... Your clones will attack directly, we'll sneak up between your clones disguised as you and then can get the bells together...""Good plan...I'm on it, Reina" he said when Sakura asked "Whose gonna get eliminated...Three bells for four people...We've got problem" to which Naruto replied "We'll fight to it later...""Get on to plan, Sakura" said Sasuke as they take their place and the disguised clones attack and they sneak between the shadow clones.... The fight went well, Kakashi hadn't expected team work from these young brats but he eventually got their plan and caught the real Naruto, while they just failed an amazing opportunity of getting the bells as Sakura played dumb... Naruto was tied to a poll and the rest three were sitting beside the poll when Kakashi came and smiled "I'm not sending you back to academy""Yeah! Wahoo! wow!" Sakura and Naruto were very happy when sensei said "Cause you three have been dropped from the program permanently..."this angered Sasuke and as he rushes to attack Kakashi sensei, he failed and then sensei said "you just think about yourself...It's not the way of Ninja...Did you even though once that why were you put in squads instead of individuals??" asks Kakashi"Did you ever consider what was this exercise all about??" asks Kakashi"We didn't make the rules! how are we supposed to know?" asks Naruto"It was basic, Teamwork...Just like an example, Tatsuo was the second to attack and she failed, so she waited for the right moment...She tried to unite you three, but Sasuke you were filled with arrogance and were easily recognisable in the crowd...but you weren't able to understand it anyway; it's over..." said Kakashi"Wait a minute" continues Sakura "you set it up with 4 people and 3 bells...If we had won only 3 of us could pass and would have to go back and lead to group conflict and the squad could break up.""Exactly" exclaimed sensei and continued" I purposely pitted you against each other to see if you could actually overcome that and work as a team or not..." he stopped for a while and then continued "Sakura, you obsessed about Sasuke when Tatsu was hurt, Naruto came to help, not you, and when Naruto was on my target you did the same thing again while Tatsuo saved him...Naruto, you want to do everything on your own. But still you considered Tatsuo's plan...And you, Sasuke, you considered the other 3 inferior and didn't even think for them for a while. Arrogance....Even when she was explaining you three your plan, you were too obliged to hear her, right?""You were listening to us?" the four exclaimed when he replies "Not me, but my clone..."he continues "on ninja missions, they go on squads...Of course the need their individual skills, but teamwork couldn't be neglected by you.... Every shinobi understands it...Sakura, kill Naruto now or Sasuke will be dead..." the trio exclaims with fear when sensei continues "this is the trick...The enemy take sup hostage and gives you an impossible choice, and as a result, one of you ends up dead..."he left Sasuke and went towards a stone saying that "did you see these names, they were ninjas, honoured as the heroes of this village.""Woah! so what's the big deal...I can have my name on it, why I am gonna die for nothing" exclaimed Naruto excitedly..."Well, they were all k.i.a.," said Kakashi "Woah! sounds really cool...What does it mean??" asks Naruto"They were all killed in action...they don't have their names on it just like that...they all died" said Tatsuo coldly"This is a memorial stone" said Kakashi when Naruto noticed Tatsu was lost in thoughts"You fine, Reina...You look worried?" asks Naruto worriedly"I'm good. Just zoned out" she said with a grin"Akemi, was indeed one of the best jounins in our village, a splendid ninja and my –" he was interrupted by Tatsuo as she didn't want to have a convo on this topic "So, sensei, can't we have another test???How could we fight on empty stomachs...""All right, you can get one more chance, but this is gonna be harder than before...You have three hours...get a bell from me after eating your lunch, but Naruto, you're not getting it, because you broke the rule, as your shadow clone was found eating the lunch...And if anybody tries to feed him, that person's gonna fail immediately. You too Tatsuo" says Kakashi and he leaves Sakura and Sasuke start eating when Tatsu asks Naruto "here, eat it Naruto." while giving him their lunch "Those who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. I learnt from mom" said Tatsuo with a smile and after a few moments, Sasuke did the same realising what he saw in his dream was true."No Sasuke, and Tatsu, didn't you heard what sensei said...""Kakashi's gone...We need those bells as a team, just like Reina mentioned earlier and Kakashi too" Says Sasuke "If Naruto is starving, he can't fight...So this can fail the team...So have it fast, Naruto"Sakura thought for some time "you can have our lunch Naruto, but make it fast, or we're doomed..."Kakashi was listening to their conversation from behind and he felt very happy..."Aren't you gonna eat guys?" asks Naruto"I'm on a diet, I don't need as much as Sasuke," said Tatsu"You can have after I eat, till then you can eat Hime's," said Sasuke"And you, Sakura?" asks Naruto"You eat Tatsuo's while I and Sasuke eat""Come on, have it" said Tatsu said as he was not eating "My hands aren't free...""Just stuff it in... stupid noodlehead" said Tatsuo as she angrily put rice in his mouth and his mouth was full, he was trying to chew as fast as he couldsuddenly it was fog everywhere and Kakashi appeared and everyone thought it's time for a fight when Kakashi said "You broke the rules, Tatsu, time for punishment..." she said as she threw it towards him...Dark clouds occupy the sky "Any last words...""But," stopped Naruto"But what" asked Kakashi"But you said that we 4 of us are a team, and that's why Tatsu, and Sasuke and Sakura too, gave me their lunch...""You gave us a situation similar to what you said about Sakura's weakness... If we fail, we all would together. And if we pass that only could be done together""we're all in this squad and we're all one," said Sasuke"Yes, Sasuke is right!" Sakura said "we're in this team and we're one...that's why we gave our lunch to Naruto...""Yah, ya, yeah, yeah! believe it! that's right! we're a team!!" yelled Naruto"The four of you are one, that's your excuse?" asks Kakashi"Not an excuse...It's the truth...Those who break rules are scum, those who abandon their friends are worse than scum" Tatsuo said"yes" all of them said determined"Then you pass!" beamed Kakashi"Huh! what??" exclaimed Sakura"You all pass!!""What do you mean? How we pass?" asks Sakurathe clouds vanish and the weather is again pleasant... "you're the first squad that ever succeeded...The others did what I said and fell for my trap...A ninja must see through deception who breaks rules is a scum, but those who abandon their friends, are worse than scum, and that's the truth, not an excuse" he said while looking at that memorial stone"Everyone passes...squad 7 gets their first mission tomorrow!" said Kakashi ________________________________________Night time, Sasuke enters the Yamanaka flower shop where he finds Naruto selecting flowers..."Ino...Do girls like these flowers?" asked Naruto pointing to some peonies but Ino was too busy staring at Sasuke when he says "Ino, first focus on Naruto..." to which she gladly agrees and says "You're gifting them to a girl! Don't say its Sakura...You'll get punched hard, so stay careful" to which Sasuke also nods in agreement when Naruto says, "These are not for Sakura...They're for the new girl, Reina" he said to which Sasuke looked a bit shocked and Ino asked "Reina?""Tatsuo...Her nickname is Reina" both Sasuke and Naruto said together when Naruto held a smirk "Don't tell me you're here to get flowers for her..." "Who said I am, it's just a welcome present to our teammate" and Naruto smirked "Welcome present.""Can't I give...Ino, I want red roses, girls like them, right?" asks Sasuke avoiding Naruto to which Ino agrees and gives him a bunch of roses

Sasuke's flowers-

Naruto's flowers-

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Naruto's flowers-

"Ino, here's the money

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"Ino, here's the money..." said Naruto giving money turned to Sasuke and said "I'd reach to Reina before you, I bet..." he again said loudly "Goodbye...Thanks Ino" he said as he vanished while Sasuke too rushed...Tatsuo was sitting near her window in casual clothes, dark pjs, white shirt and her hair were untied and rested down on her shoulders, the room was dark, she'd closed the lights, relaxing on her chair, she was softly playing her guitar and was singing, when suddenly two dark figures appear in front of her and she freezes when she realises that....

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